HuffPo Brings You Scriptural Commentary From the Blog that Hates Christianity

Yes, it sounds as valuable as a Luddite book club discussing the maintenance manual of a jet engine, but it's still good news for the spiritually inclined: The Huffington Post Religion, the religion blog that despises Christianity and has called for the eradication of fundamental Christianity, is now offering scriptural commentary to readers.

“Huffington Post Religion has launched a scripture commentary series, which will bring together leading voices from different religious traditions to offer their wisdom on selected religious texts,” wrote Huffington Post Religion editor Paul Raushenbush.


Given that a recent HuffPo Religion contributor – an ordained minister, no less – wrote about how he wanted to change virtually everything about Christianity, the left-wing blog's take on The Word should be … interesting.

HuffPos's theological brain trust is offering Scriptural Commentary not only on the Bible. Next month the focus will be on Ramadan, with the focus being on the Koran. (No word on whether it will feature an Imam who wants to change everything about Islam, but the odds aren't good.) September will feature the Jewish celebration of the High Holy days. The text of the Jewish faith is the Torah, with the Talmud serving as its commentary.

CMI will be following HuffPo's latest religion series and highlighting the revelations and insights it's sure to uncover.

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