Ignoring Left-Wing Death Wishes for Dick Cheney

The Times has never shied away from blaming conservative blogs for all manner of sins - but will it address the wishes for Dick Cheney's assassination from the left-wing Internet community?

It's one story that would seem to be of interest to the New York Times political blog "The Caucus"- the nutty rants of the left-wing Huffington Post community and others,after Tuesday's newsthat a suicide bomber had blown himself up outside a military base in Afghanistan where Vice President Dick Cheney was staying.

Many Huffpost commenters posted regrets that the bomber had notmanaged to assassinateCheney (the offensive comments have since beenremoved from the site, but Michelle Malkin reprints some and has a link to the full slimy set).

It's not as if the Times has been slow to blame conservative blogs - even commenters on conservative blogs, as was the case at the Huffington Post - for such alleged sins as CIA stoogery, anti-Semitism, and attacking the morality of local Democratic politicians. But the Times has yet to address the it's-too-bad-Cheney-didn't-get-killed story, either in its news pages or its political blog.

We wait to see whether"The Caucus" covers the wishful thinking about a Cheney assassination by the left-wing Internet community.

In the meantime, here's the top of a Tuesday afternoon posting from blogger Sarah Wheaton claimed thisabout a Hillary policy speech: "In only 20 minutes or so, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton hit an impressive array of high notes. She was speaking, mainly, to convey her capacity for big, serious ideas contained in her new clean energy bill (more on that later)." Yeah!