Jersey News Outlet Cries ‘Global Warming’ as Blizzard Approaches

As northeast braces for a winter storm, eco-nut worries about a hotter planet.

Raising fuel prices across the board is the only way to lessen the future impact of the forthcoming, and unavoidable, global warming disaster, according to Ellie Whitney, guest opinion columnist for The Times of Trenton. Ironically, she said this as New Jersey, along with much of the northeast, is prepping for a major winter storm that includes blizzard warnings.

Citing the worst of the past year’s weather (although apparently not this week’s weather) as evidence for global warming, Whitney claimed that the rate of climate change is happening too fast to prevent disaster. Then she suggested that the best way to lessen the damage was to “collect a fee from all fossil fuels at their points of entry into our economy from wells, mines, ports and pipelines.” To “make foreign trade fair,” she also recommended that foreign countries pay a fine for any carbon emitted during the transportation of goods into the U.S.

Whitney’s analysis of global weather was dire. “Climate scientists predicted the oceans would warm and turn acidic, polar ice and permafrost would melt, sea levels would rise and extreme weather events would become ever more violent and frequent. But no one foresaw how rapidly these changes would take place.” According to Whitney, carbon dioxide levels are at “a concentration higher than at any time during the last 800,000 years.” Which was a bit before the time we started monitoring such things.

The reality is that more than 1,000 scientists are on record dissenting from the so-called "consensus" on global warming. U.S. government atmospheric scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has said, "It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don't buy into anthropogenic [manmade] global warming."

A former environmental columnist for the Tallahassee Democrat, Whitney now volunteers for the Citizens Climate Lobby.

To Whitney’s credit, she proposed that a rebate should be given to taxpayers, to counteract the effects of the rising fuel prices, although the prospects of such a rebate actually taking effect seem slim at best. “No new bureaucracy is needed; the IRS can accomplish both of these steps,” Whitney said. A new government program without any new bureaucracy? Now, that would be a sign of the apocalypse.