John Mayer Flips Out on Huffington Post, Says Website is 'Full of S***'

Come on, John Mayer – Jennifer Aniston isn't that bad.

Mayer, a popular singer-songwriter, went hysterical on the Huffington Post, after the website reported that he and Aniston were possibly rekindling their old relationship.

In a frenzied and incoherent blog post titled “Huffington Post FULL OF SH*T? (Yes!),” Mayer called the liberal-leaning news website “the internet Death Star” and “dangerous.”

“The reason I'm calling you out instead of all the other magazines that make stories up out of thin air is that In Touch and Star Magazine aren't concurrently writing pieces about Pat Tillman or WikiLeaks,” ranted Mayer. “Those other rags know who they are, and even if they're obnoxious, I'd rather have to live with them because they (and the rest of the world) know where they stand, which doesn't make them one tenth as dangerous as you are.”

The outspoken musician – who once publicly likened his nether-regions to an infamous White Supremacist – went on to compare the Huffington Post to “a stripper wearing reading glasses. Or maybe you're an insolvent law student willing to dance for a few extra dollars.”

The Huffington Post is the semi-official blogspot of left-wing Hollywood, mixing garden-variety liberal politics and social views with celebrity and entertainment fluff. The article that set off Mayer was an Aug. 26 piece titled “Back Together?” which asked:

Are John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston back on? Mayer seemed to indicate they might be when he spoke in front of a crowd of 18,000 at his concert on Sunday at the Hollywood Bowl in LA.

“I believe in second chances!” he said. “You might have been a pain in the ass the last time around, but you can still start over again from home base. Next time you get a text from the one you love just text back 'come over' - no matter what happened in the past. If you really love someone, just tell them and be with them.”

Mayer said this article was incorrect, and that the website misinterpreted the lyrics of his song.

“Huffington Post, this is reporting? How do you pay your writers now, in Silly Bandz? Do you meet your sources in a malt shoppe? This is equal parts fabricated, cobbled together and misleading,” Mayer wrote on his blog.

The musician concluded his blog post by offering the Huffington Post this headline in case the website decided to do a potential follow-up article:


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