Jon Stewart: Wimpy White House Won’t ID Islam in Charlie Hebdo Shootings
Even some on the left are starting to call out the ridiculous, distorting nature of the politically correct White House. Following the Charlie Hebdo shootings a few weeks ago, White House officials and President Obama were “reticent” to even mention the word “Islam,” said liberal Jon Stewart.
Last week, after reporters pressed White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest to identify the obvious nature of the crime, Earnest dodged. “I’m describing a reason why we have not chosen to use that label because it doesn’t seem to accurately describe what had happened.”
This wimpy response was even mocked by liberal comedian Jon Stewart on the Daily Show Jan. 19.
STEWART: The Obama Administration is reticent to use certain words to describe the cause of our current security issues, you remember that.
[Video] REPORTER: Other of your allies have described the ideology that you call ‘a warped view of Islam,’ by calling it ‘Radical Islam.’
EARNEST: These are individuals who carried out an act of terror. They later tried to justify that act of terrorism by invoking the religion of Islam.
Stewart found that embarrassing response pretty laughable. He noted the invocation of Islam happened not just after the attacks but before and during the shooting, and to not call it out for what it was is incredibly weak.
STEWART: Well….later they did try. But also before….and during. C’mon Press Secretary Josh Earnest! If that’s how that’s how the brash, cowboy, shoot-em-up Americans are describing these terrorists, well I can’t even imagine how tip-toeing this is going to sound from ol’ Downtown Abbey Cameron.
[Video] CAMERON: It means countering this poisonous, fanatical death cult of a narrative that is perverting the religion of Islam.
STEWART: Okay...I guess that really shows the ‘impotence of being Earnest!’ Anybody, anybody?
— Kristine Marsh is Staff Writer for MRC Culture at the Media Research Center. Follow Kristine Marsh on Twitter.