Legalizing Abortion a Victory for Poor, Older Women in Mexico City
The opening to Wednesday's "Mexico City Legalizes Abortion Early in Term" by James McKinley Jr.:
"The Mexico City legislature approved a bill Tuesday to make abortion legal during the first three months of pregnancy, a watershed vote that set the stage for court battles and social clashes between religious conservatives and liberals.
"Feminists hailed the vote as a clear victory. For decades, poor women here have resorted to clandestine clinics, traditional midwives and herbal potions to end unwanted pregnancies. Scores die every year in botched abortions. 'It's a triumph for women's rights,' said María Consuelo Mejía, the director of Catholics for the Right to Decide.
"Abortion opponents condemned the measure. 'This is a tragic day for the democracy,' said Armando Martínez, the leader of Catholic Lawyers."
Just in case that didn't get the pro-abortion message through, McKinley repeated the liberal talking points several paragraphs later, complete with illegal clinics, midwives, and the loaded verb "resort."
"For older women, the vote represented a long overdue recognition of their plight. Women are seeking abortions, legal or not, they said. The rich fly to the United States or go to certain doctors at private hospitals who do the procedure secretly, they said. The poor must resort to underground clinics and midwives."