Liberal Billionaire Soros Joins Hillary Super PAC

First time left-wing funder accepts a formal position in a political campaign.

Liberal billionaire George Soros has accepted a position on the National Finance Council of the Ready For Hillary Super PAC, a group paving the way for a 2016 presidential run for the former first lady. Soros, 83, has long been a monetary influence behind liberal politics, but this is the first time he has accepted a formal role on an American political campaign. Soros has a long history of funding liberals and attacking conservatives, and spent more than $27.5 million trying to defeat President George W. Bush in 2004, including funding such groups as

The Washington Post article on this recent announcement referred to Soros as a “billionaire investor, philanthropist and backer of liberal causes,” but this significantly understates Soros’ position and influence. With a political philosophy so far left that it borders on Orwellian, Soros has had an incredible amount of influence in liberal politics through the generous endowments from his Open Society Foundations.

To give a good measure of the Soros move, the liberal Huffington Post led its front page with the headline: “SOROS IS IN!” immediately following the announcement.

Soros political director Michael Vachon said that his boss’s support for the PAC “is an extension of his long-held belief in the power of grassroots organizing.” But there’s nothing “grassroots” about Soros.

Soros has given a total of $550 million to liberal causes between 2000 and 2009. Since launching his Open Society Foundations in 1984, Soros has donated more than $8 billion to nonprofits around the world.

According to, Soros spent $2,775,000 supporting liberals in the 2012 election alone, just through his personal donations. is a project of the Soros-funded Center for Responsive Politics, which has received $550,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2000. He was “was an early supporter of Barack Obama, first in his Senate campaign in Illinois and later when he ran for president,” according to his foundations.

Soros’ political views are far left, even for most liberals. He has funded pro-abortion groups, pro-gay marriage organizations, anti-Israel and radical environmental groups. He has extensively promoted his idea of an “open society,” although even he admitted that it won’t end well.

Soros said: “in an open society none of the existing ties are final, and people's relation to nation, family, and their fellows depends entirely on their own decisions. Looking at the reverse side of the coin, this means that the permanence of social relationships has disappeared; the organic structure of society has disintegrated to the point where its atoms, the individuals, float around without hindrance.”

And from there, the description got worse. “Choices arise which would not even have been imagined in an earlier age. Euthanasia, genetic engineering, brainwashing become problems of practical importance. The most complex human functions, such as thinking, may be broken down into their elements and artificially reproduced. Everything appears possible until it has been proven to be impossible.”

On top of joining the PAC, Soros has already pledged $25,000 to Ready For Hilary to date. Hillary Clinton herself has not formally declared that she is running for election in 2016.

— Mike Ciandella is Research Analyst at the Media Research Center. Follow Mike Ciandella on Twitter.