Low Taxes: Enemy of Southern States

Adam Nossiter on Louisiana's new young Republican governor: "[Bobby Jindal] has already talked of cutting taxes on business, prompting questions about whether he will move beyond such traditional Republican economic strategies."

Adam Nossiter's "New Louisiana Governor Pierces Brazen Style of Business as Usual" is a mostly flattering profile of boy-wonder governor Bobby Jindal, the son of Indian immigrants who became governor of the state at 36.

But Nossiter, a Southern-based reporter for the Times, betrayed his aversion to tax cuts in his penultimate paragraph, portraying Jindal's tax-cut proposals as tired and failed nostrums:

What follows could be much tougher, given the scope of Mr. Jindal's ambitions - detractors grumble that they are limitless - the bruised feelings among legislators and the scope of Louisiana's challenge: a poorly educated work force, bad roads and infrastructure, a persistent stream of residents leaving the state, and little business investment. He has already talked of cutting taxes on business, prompting questions about whether he will move beyond such traditional Republican economic strategies.

Nossiter penned a story in July 2007 that blamed low state taxes for abuse at a state reform school in Mississippi.