More Liberal Preaching in Randy Cohen's Sunday Magazine 'Ethicist' Column
Inserting pearls of liberal wisdom into his ethical advice: "I believe, for example, nobody may honorably work for a tobacco company, the maker of a toxic product that, used as directed, annually kills 400,000 Americans."
Published: 10/26/2010 12:55 PM ET
Randy Cohen often works his liberal opinions into "The Ethicist," his ethics column for the Sunday Magazine. This week's lesson? Don't work for evil tobacco companies.
Responding to a "celebrity spokesperson" for a company who learned that "its labor practices...are not so admirable" and wondered if he should quit, Cohen said yes, explaining:
The gravity of the misdeeds is also significant. I believe, for example, nobody may honorably work for a tobacco company, the maker of a toxic product that, used as directed, annually kills 400,000 Americans. How grave is too grave? Alas, there is no universal bright line. But your employer seems to have crossed yours.