More Trouble at CNBC? Network's Macke Reportedly at Odds with Management

Is there another shakeup imminent at CNBC? Since the economy has been on the rocks, NBC Universal’s financial network has been in the spotlight – political tug-of-war and all. This time, another one of the network’s star on-air personalities, Jeff Macke, could be out.


Macke had been a cynical, sometimes conservative voice on CNBC’s “Fast Money” and in other CNBC and MSNBC appearances, often pointing out flaws in the Democrat-controlled political culture in Washington, D.C. Now, he could be following the same path his former colleague Dylan Ratigan, who left CNBC’s “Fast Money” in March.


Jon Najarian, a CNBC contributor and co-founder of predicted as much in a May 21 post on his Twitter site.


“It does also seem that the dispute between Jeff and CNBC has resulted in the network limiting his opportunities, which is too bad for both parties as I think he can do compelling television,” Najarian continued. “I suspect the stress on both Jeff and CNBC execs is immense, as he is an original cast member of their most popular show. When the conflict between Jeff and the network is over, resulting most likely in Jeff leaving for other opportunities, I think you and I will see another Jeff Macke.”


Najarian’s revelation came after a bizarre May 19 appearance on “CNBC Reports,” leading some Internet gossip sites to question Macke’s sanity. Najarian still spoke very highly of Macke and explained he has helped thousands with their trades and investments.


“I’m sad that things like this play out in the press rather than being negotiated, but that’s the world we live in,” Najarian wrote. “As you know I’m under contract to CNBC, and couldn’t comment for them if I wanted to, but I can say Jeff is one of the brightest people I’ve ever met. I know his style isn’t to everyone’s liking, but his insights and trading experience is exemplary and has helped thousands of folks make money, or avoid losing money in these treacherous markets.”


Macke did appear in his usual “Fast Money” role on May 20, the day after his so-called meltdown. CNBC spokesman Brian Steele declined to comment on the matter of Macke and his contract dispute.