To the Networks, Tiger Woods Gossip 15 Times More Newsworthy Than ClimateGate
If ABC, NBC and CBS’ judgment is correct, Tiger Wood’s infidelity is more important than a climate change scandal involving high profile scientists, potentially ‘manipulated’ data, and censorship of skeptics among the scientific community.
How much more important? Over 15 times. Despite the impending
Even in those segments reporters made sure to inform the public that, despite the Climategate revelations, “the science is solid” and “the evidence is overwhelming that man is behind climate change.” On ABC, Clayton Sandell mentioned the e-mails stolen from the
During the same time frame, from Nov. 20 to Dec. 6 the networks aired 62 stories about professional golfer Wood’s car accident, rumors of an affair and then his apology during their morning and evening newscasts.
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