New Climate Alarmist Tack: Go Green for God

HuffPo blames right-wing pundits for leading evangelicals away from warming gospel.

There’s a certain delicious irony in the global warming industry – the one that’s always screaming about climate change “deniers” not “believing in science” – trying to make a religious appeal to Christians.

The Huffington Post on April 5 published “Climate Change Threats To ‘The Least of These’ Compel Evangelical Christians to Act,” in which writer Lynne Peeples interviewed Katharine Hayhoe, a “leading climate scientist,.” Hayhoe will be featured in the first episode of a new Showtime series directed by James Cameron called “Years of Living Dangerously.” The celebrity-studded documentary series will address “the entanglement of politics, faith and science that impedes acceptance and action on climate change.” Basically, it’s a bunch of left-wing secularists blaming religion for mucking up the climate change movement. 

“Christian values demand we take action,” on the environment, Hayhoe told HuffPo. “Climate change disproportionately affects the poor and vulnerable – the very people Christians are called to care for and love." 

Yet according to Hayhoe, climate change is obvious. “When I look at the information we get from the planet, I look at it as God's creation speaking to us," Hayhoe said in the documentary. "And in this case, there's no question that God's creation is telling us that it's running a fever."

The article also cited Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, who blamed the relationship between right-wing politics and evangelicals for the lack of action by Christians on climate change. Leiserowitz claimed that whatever Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Rush Limbaugh or Bill O’ Reilly say on the topic will be followed by the sheep-like evangelicals.

In the end, Huff Po claims this might just be a generational issue. The documentary will feature Anna Jane Joyner, the 29 yr.old daughter of megachurch pastor Rick Joyner, and her struggle to get her father to accept climate change as real. Young Evangelicals for Climate Action spokesman Ben Lowe, called climate change a “pro-life” issue 

HuffPo cited the latest United Nation’s IPCC report, which blames poverty, immigration, low food supply and waterborne diseases on climate change. Ever the hard-bitten skeptical hard news man, NBC’s Brian Williams called the findings a “clear and present danger.”  However, not all journalists bought into the hype. CNBC anchor Brian Sullivan recently did an interview on “Squawk Box” claiming the exact opposite – that “green policies” actually put more of an economic burden on the poor.

Cameron’s new Showtime series, “Years of Living Dangerously” will premiere online April 7 and on television April 13. Harrison Ford, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, Ian Somerholder, and other celebrities will be featured. 

— Kristine Marsh is Staff Writer for MRC Culture at the Media Research Center. Follow Kristine Marsh on Twitter.