
Tax Me Please, Says Columnist Kristof, While Calling for Defense Cuts as Libya Hawk

Kristof: "President Obama in his speech on Wednesday confronted a topic that is harder to address seriously in public than sex or flatulence: America needs higher taxes....We need to have a frank ...

CA Gov. Calls for Tax Hikes, State's Democratic Ballot Process Suddenly a Good Thing

Poor California Gov. Brown: "Gov. Jerry Brown, seeking authorization to ask California voters to extend expiring taxes to avoid more draconian budget cuts....Brown seems more frustrated and ...

Obama Will 'Spare,' 'Reduce the Growth' of Medicare, But GOP Threatens to 'Shrink' It With 'Big Cuts'

While GOP attempts at reform of Medicare are eviscerated as 'big Medicare cuts' or a 'shrinking,' the Times greets Obama's proposals with soothing words like 'overhaul' or claims that Obama is ...

Another Liberal Lob from Times TV Critic Mike Hale, This Time on Gun Control

Mike Hale says HBO documentary "Gun Fight" is "an implicit warning about the dangers of unregulated gun ownership and the power and increasingly apocalyptic tone of Second Amendment ...

Main Economics Writer Leonhardt's Solution to Budget Woes No Surprise

David Leonhardt forwards his usual solution to budget woes on Wednesday's front page: "...finding a way to raise taxes may well be the central political problem facing the United States....If Mr. ...

Dictators and Double Standards? Times Goes After Inhofe, Stayed Quiet on Ted Kennedy-Andropov Memo

Tracking conservative figures who support Ivory Coast's dictator, Mark Oppenheimer unearths A secretive evangelical Christian organization that some say has a right-wing agenda. Meanwhile, the ...

Republican Budget Cuts Threaten 'Life-Affirming' Public Radio Station in KY

The New York Times vs. any and all spending cuts: "But with the rise of the Tea Party and with anti-earmark, budget-cutting fervor gripping the nation's capital, little of that sentiment is being ...

Tavernise Pines for D.C. Voting Rights, Autonomy on Abortion and School Vouchers

Washington, D.C., a victim of Republican "tinkering": "But for this city, which raises $5 billion in tax revenue each year but does not have the final say over how to spend it, the compromise - ...

Adam Nagourney Rides to Defense of Harry Reid's 'Cowboy Poets'

Adam Nagourney: "That once-obscure gathering became a target in the budget battle a world away in Washington last week, employed by conservatives as a symbol of fiscal waste...setting off a ...

Matt Bai: 'Something Awesome' About Sitting Next to Liberal Titan Mario Cuomo

Matt Bai, chief political correspondent for the Times Magazine: "If you were a kid in the Northeast during the 1980s, as I was, there is something awesome - in the literal sense - about sitting ...
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