
Times Buries Obama's Guantanamo Bay Reversal on Back Pages, Quotes Sympathetic Leftists

Obama's reversal on closing Guantanamo Bay made the front of Tuesday's Washington Post but was buried on A19 of the Times, and was larded with strangely sympathetic left-wing quotes: "Still, some ...

The 'Intellectual Curiosity' and 'Mischievous Sense of Humor' of Murderous Che Guevara

From the obituary for violent Communist revolutionary Che Guevara's traveling companion, by reporter Victoria Burnett: "They became close friends, sharing an intellectual curiosity, a mischievous ...

Racially Inflammatory Al Sharpton Gets Another Pass in the Times

Times again skips Tawana Brawley and "white interlopers" to celebrate Sharpton at leisure: "Unmistakable and formidable, if a physically reduced version of the man he once was, the Rev. Al ...

Another Times Attack on an Opponent of Radical Islam

Reporter Laurie Goodstein attacks Brigitte Gabriel, an opponent of radical Islam, on Tuesday's front page: "She presents a portrait of Islam so thoroughly bent on destruction and domination that ...

Columnist Tom Friedman Calls for Tax to Keep Gas at $4 a Gallon

Friedman denounced the proposed White House plan to use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to curb rising gas prices: "That would rank in my top five worst ideas of 2011 so thing we should ...

Steinhauer Overdoses on 'Conservatives' in DOMA Debate, Finds No Liberals

Jennifer Steinhauer's labeling disparity on the Defense of Marriage Act: "Representative Raúl Labrador, a conservative freshman from Idaho, has not mentioned the issue, said Phil Hardy, his ...

Times Inhales Free-Market Fumes in Defense of Medical Marijuana in Montana

Kirk Johnson's reporting is not known for its sympathy toward business or conservatives. But he made a fine free-market argument in support of a liberal priority in Montana - medical marijuana: ...

Zernike Switches From Tea Party to Wisconsin, Maintains Hostility Toward Conservatives

Tea Party reporter Kate Zernike covers the left-wing protests in Madison, but retains her hostility toward the conservative movement, claiming a $43,000 donation made the Koch brothers "large ...

Slow News Day? Obama White House 'Happier Workplace' Thanks to New Team

Jackie Calmes tackles the tough stories: "Nonetheless, staff members describe a happier workplace with clearer lines of authority and less fear of being chided by the often brusque Mr. Emanuel. ...

Lori Berenson Terror Whitewash 'Classic Times Magazine Story,' Says New Editor

The new editor-in-chief for the Sunday Magazine praises his first cover story on terrorist collaborator Lori Berenson with embarrassingly simplistic misinformation: "...a New Yorker who moved to ...
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