
Obama's Chamber of Commerce Attack Falls Flat at the New York Times

Two reporters file separate stories dismissing the import of a left-wing attack on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for allegedly allowing foreign money to be used in U.S. elections, with one ...

Times Hits 'Venomous' Rhetoric of Ground Zero Mosque Critic Pamela Geller

The Times ironically accuses anti-Islamic blogger Pamela Geller for having "quoted selectively" the controversial imam, and accuse her of spreading "misimpressions that the project was at the ...

The Times Gets Its Grand Theory on Ann Coulter All Wrong

Blogger Mickey Kaus undermines the Times' grand theory on conservative commentator Ann Coulter "trotting out a new image", saying it "might strike some as a sleazy and condescending attempt to ...

NYT Mag Writer Traub: Tea Party Fighting 'War on Competence and Professionalism'

New York Times Magazine contributor James Traub on the Tea Party candidates: "But it also strikes me that there's a kind of war on competence and professionalism going on here. And these insurgent ...

NY Times Whispers Into Ear of IRS: Check Out These Sneaky New Pro-GOP Groups

Michael Luo's wink-wink, nudge-nudge on the rush of campaign spending from corporations currently benefiting Republican issues and candidates: "It remains to be seen whether the I.R.S. or the ...

Michael Shear Laments Failure to Heed Obama Over Unregulated Campaign Cash Going to GOP

"Flood of Campaign Cash Becomes the Issue," reads the Times online headline over a Michael Shear story. And just how did it "become the issue"? Because the Times and the Democrats want it to be ...

Times Passes Along Scare Tactics of Western Democrats

Kirk Johnson on the Democrats' bringing up "wedge issue" like abortion to keep Democratic voters on their side come November: "But whether Mr. Buck is out of touch, or exactly in touch with his ...

The NYT Co. Files Friend of the Court Brief in Favor of 'God Hates Fags' Church

The Times supports the First Amendment rights of the despicable "God Hates Fags" funeral picketers, led by Fred Phelps, but other kinds of free speech like campaign advertising by corporations are ...

Times Main Economics Writer Loves Obama-Care for Disrupting 'Status Quo'

Times economics writer David Leonhardt reacted to news that McDonald's may drop health insurance for its workers because of Obama-care by blaming the status quo: " does represent progress. ...

Inflammatory Democrat Alan Grayson Merely 'Not Known for Subtlety' According to Times Headline

Rep. Grayson has accused the Republicans of wanting sick people to die quickly and compared them to Neanderthals and the Taliban. But you wouldn't get a hint of that from the Times' awkward, ...
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