
Front-Page National News in NYT: NYC Mayor Endorses Obama, Theory of Climate Change

Raymond Hernandez makes the front page with a story on NYC Mayor Bloomberg endorsing Barack Obama in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, while pushing the theory of man-made climate change. Hernandez ...

NYTimes Star Poll Analyzer Nate Silver Offers to Bet $2,000 on Obama Win, Chided by Public Editor

New York Times' star poll analyzer and statistician Nate Silver continues to give hope to Democrats, and he's getting more confident as the election draws closer. After a heated debate on ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Takes Sandy By Storm to Boost Obama-Christie Partnership and Climate Change

As Election Day loomed, the New York Times made the most of Chris Christie bonding with President Obama over the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Thursday's front page featured Mark Landler and ...
Media Research Center

NY Times Called Bush’s 2.7% GDP a ‘Letdown,’ But Obama’s Lower GDP a ‘Steady Improvement’

The leftist bias of the New York Times beautifully encapsulated in seven words used about a week before two presidential elections. Headline over Saturday’s editorial on the third quarter GDP ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Jensen Finds Another Left-Wing Hero to Gush Over: Sally Kohn of Fame

Times reporter Elizabeth Jensen profiles yet another left-wing hero: "...[Sally] Kohn, who also writes for and posts on Twitter constantly, won national attention with her ...
Media Research Center

New York Times' Sunday Review Goes Wall-to-Wall for Obama's Re-Election

Times Editorial Page editor Andrew Rosenthal's Sunday Review was wall-to-wall for Obama this week, with two left-wing op-eds supporting Obama on the front page, a full-page endorsement of ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Takes Shots at Richard Mourdock Two Days in a Row: Could Cost GOP the Senate

New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman made Friday's front page on the Republicans' uphill struggles to take over the Senate, and got in a second day of shots against Indiana Republican ...
Media Research Center

Hi, Ho, Nate Silver: NYT's Star Pollster Bolsters Fading Democratic Spirits Once Again

The closer Election Day looms, the more often New York Times' golden-boy pollster Nate Silver is thrust from his home into the print edition, with a poll analysis rallying the ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Eager to Paint Mourdock Rape Comment as 'Dilemma' Making It 'Difficult' for Romney

New York Times reporters Jonathan Weisman and Michael Cooper both suggested Mitt Romney would be hurt by controversial comments on rape made by Indiana's Republican Senate candidate Richard ...
Media Research Center

Matt Bai Calls Bill Clinton a 'Centrist' and Suggests Rush Limbaugh Is 'Far Right'

New York Times political reporter Matt Bai: "Mr. Clinton was able to set himself up against ideological extremism so successfully because he really was a centrist deal-maker, and everyone knew ...
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