"Last week Mr. Rove caricatured him as the elitist 'guy at the country club with the beautiful date.' Provocative as it is to inject Mr. Obama into a setting historically associated with white ...
Reporter Kate Zernike, the Times most ardent John Kerry defender, finds another front from which to launch attacks on the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
Stephen Holden's high praise for a Hollywood Communist (and FBI informant): "Peter Askin's stirring documentary 'Trumbo' gives you reasons to cheer but also to weep."
The Times uses a misleading stat to bolster its bad argument: "Thirty-thousand Americans are killed by guns every year - on the job, walking to school, at the shopping mall. The Supreme Court on ...
An incomplete story infused with labeling bias: While the Federalist Society is "bedrock conservative," the Council on American-Islamic Relations merely "advocates civil liberties."
The Times' political editor Richard Stevenson (pictured) admits "there are more political liberals in newsrooms than conservatives" but of course denies any favoritism on the part of his paper's ...
Is this it? "Among the incidents they cite are a statement by Mr. McCain, in a 2007 interview with Beliefnet.com, that he would prefer a Christian president to a Muslim one; a comment by Senator ...