
Media Research Center

NYT's Matt Bai Condescends to Romney-Ryan: 'Frantic Dash to the Center'

Times writer Matt Bai comes up with a novel explanation for Obama's poor debate performance: "In a late and frantic dash to the center, Mr. Romney argued for the first time in last week’s debate ...
Media Research Center

NYT: Democrats Have Portrayed Romney as 'Ultraconservative, Unfeeling Capitalist'...and So Has the NYT

Not just Democrats, but the Times itself: "Aides scouring the results of focus groups and national polls found that undecided voters watching the presidential debate in Denver seemed startled ...
Media Research Center

Seriously? New York Times Calls Wisconsin a 'Republican Haven'

New York Times reporter Monica Davey on Thursday was in Wisconsin playing up the Democratic candidate's Rep. Tammy Baldwin chances in her race for an open Senate seat against Republican Tommy ...

Colorful NYT Editorial Lumps in Birthers With John McCain Criticizing Obama Administration

Wednesday's lead New York Times editorial, "Conspiracy World – Behind every nonpartisan institution, the right sees the malevolent hand of a liberal cabal," is at least more colorful than the ...
Media Research Center

As Other Outlets Finally Take Libya Seriously, NYT Buries Hearings on A10 Under Dull Headline

As Congress holds hearings on the fatal attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, some media outlets break news or put the story on the front page. Then there's the New York Times, which devoted ...
Media Research Center

'Republicans to Cities: Drop Dead' Blares New York Times Headline

The Times led the Sunday Review with a huge article by Kevin Baker chiding the GOP for holding cities in contempt and forcing the District of Columbia "to accept school vouchers, lax gun laws and ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Bai on GOP 'Extremists' and Victory Margins 'Narrower than Michele Bachmann’s Mind'

New York Times Magazine writer Matt Bai offers some helpful advice to the GOP: "You can channel the extremists, or you can lead your party toward modernity, but you really can’t do both." Bai also ...

The New York Times on Campaign-Time Jobs Reports: Bush in 2004 vs. Obama in 2012

Hot Air's Ed Morrissey provided some insight into the double standard in the New York Times' coverage of two mediocre September jobs report released on the eve of two presidential elections: ...
Media Research Center

Whoa: Mary Matalin Tells NYT's Paul Krugman 'You're Hardly Credible on Calling Somebody Else a Liar'

On ABC's This Week, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused the press of not uncovering Mitt Romney's "flat-out untruths"  -- then got accused of lying about Medicare by Republican ...
Media Research Center

Among NYTimes Excuses for Obama's 'Disaster' Debate: His 'Disdain' for Romney

The Times admitted to Obama's "disaster" of a debate but found some excuses for the president, including his "disdain" for Mitt Romney: "Like other presidents, Mr. Obama’s debate preparations ...
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