
Media Research Center

NYT's Mackey Puzzled by Romney's Attack on Sesame Street, Which Is 'Well-Respected' in France and Brazil

The Times' Lede blogger Robert Mackey gets unusually worked up in his defense of Big Bird and his disdain for voters who consider it a drain on the Treasury. It's popular in Brazil, for one thing: ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Sees 'Good News for Obama' in Latest Mediocre Jobs Data

New York Times Washington bureau chief David Leonhardt: "After a lackluster debate, President Obama faced the prospect of a second piece of bad political news with Friday morning’s jobs ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Steinhauer: 'Incendiary' Tea Party Could Pay Dearly in 2012 Congressional Elections

Jennifer Steinhauer brings bad tidings for several Tea Party candidates in November due to their "incendiary statements": "[Iowa Rep. Steve] King’s troubles underscore the liability of a national ...
Media Research Center

Nicholas Kristof's Kindergarten Liberalism: U.S. Rich Like Greedy Kid With 'Mountain of Toys for Himself'

Nicholas Kristof's childish liberalism: "Imagine a kindergarten with 100 students, lavishly supplied with books, crayons and toys. Yet you gasp: one avaricious little boy is jealously guarding a ...
Media Research Center

Surprise: New York Times Actually Takes Seriously Obama 2007 Video Praising Rev. Wright (With Caveats)

In a bit of a surprise, the New York Times filed an article on a recently unearthed Obama video from 2007 showing the president in a fiery, racially charged mode, praising his anti-American ...
Media Research Center

As Other Outlets See Romney Debate Win, NYT Plays It Neutral: 'Feel of Seminar as Accusations Fly'

The first Obama-Romney presidential debate ran under less-than-informative headlines in the New York Times: "Obama and Romney, in First Debate, Spar Over Fixing the Economy'; "Feel of Seminar as ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Trip Gabriel Defends Biden's 'Stray Sentence' About the Buried Middle Class As 'Yanked from Context'

Campaign reporter Trip Gabriel makes excuses for Joe Biden's "middle class" flub: "A stray sentence by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Tuesday became the latest remark seized by the ...
Media Research Center

Pre-Debate, New York Times Defends Obama from 'Bad Hand' Dealt by Bush

Defending Obama in a pre-debate pre-fact-check:"Nonpartisan analysts agree that Mr. Obama inherited a bad hand: the 2009 deficit was a projected $1.2 trillion when he took office because of ...
Media Research Center

North Dakota, Yet Another 'Deeply Conservative' State, Where 'North Dakota Nice' Is Pitted Against the GOP

New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman celebrates "North Dakota nice" when it may help Democrats retain the U.S. Senate: "Though North Dakota is deeply conservative and is on no one’s ...
Media Research Center

Hard-Hitting NYTimes Hails Michelle Obama's 'Elegant Arms' and Barack's Shirtless Photos

More of that hard-hitting New York Times journalism. Joyce Purnick praised Michelle Obama's "bare, toned, elegant arms," while Stuart Emmerich focused the fact that "Barack Obama shirtless" gets ...
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