
Media Research Center

Ominous Liberal Signs From the Paper's New Public Editor Margaret Sullivan

Will the New York Times' new Public Editor spend her term criticizing the paper from the left? Less than a week after starting, Margaret Sullivan has already hailed the political wisdom of ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Op-ed Suggests Vote-Suppressing GOP Would Have Stopped Frederick Douglass From Voting

A New York Times op-ed captures the partisan blindness of the paper on voter ID: "Today’s Republican Party seems deeply concerned with rooting out voter fraud of the kind Douglass practiced. ...
Media Research Center

Trip Gabriel Makes Mountain Out of a Molehill Over Latest Dem Attack on Paul Ryan in NYTimes

New York Times campaign reporter Trip Gabriel lays out a rocky mountain trail for Paul Ryan: "But his assertion in a radio interview that he once ran 'a two-hour and 50-something' marathon, a ...

NYT's 'Fact Check' Instead Uncovers 'Startling Truth' From Bill Clinton Against Romney

A supposed New York Times fact-checking article on the Democratic convention speeches Wednesday night actually gave Bill Clinton credit for revealing a "startling truth" in his speech: "One of the ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Provides No Fact-Checking of Bill Clinton's Claims During 'Poignant Evening'

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, citadels of political civility? The New York Times: "In the 45-minute speech, Mr. Clinton paid tribute to a spirit of bipartisan political cooperation that he ...
Media Research Center

Nagourney in NYTimes: 'Wednesday Evening, Rep. Barney Frank...Was One of the Prime-Time Speakers.' He Never Spoke

While gushing over the prevelance of gay issues at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, reporter Adam Nagourney claimed: "And on Wednesday evening, Representative Barney Frank, a ...
Media Research Center

Bill Clinton, 'Global Philanthropist on a Journey to Cure the World’s Ills', Gushes New York Times' Front Page

Amy Chozick goes overboard in praise of Bill Clinton's personal touch: "He likes to use the Zulu greeting sawubona ('I see you') when he is traveling in parts of southern Africa, and he often ...
Media Research Center

Democrats' Keynote Speaker Julian Castro Spared GOP-Style Fact-Checking by New York Times

Democratic convention keynote speaker Julian Castro not only had a full story devoted to his speech (coverage denied Republican keynote speaker Chris Christie) but he was spared the fact-checking ...
Media Research Center

With Critical Valerie Jarrett Profile, New York Times Still Covers President Obama's Left Flank

But Obama's not a liberal? Times reporter Jo Becker: "Ms. Jarrett often serves as a counterweight to the more centrist Clinton veterans in the administration...It is not so much that she is Mr. ...
Media Research Center

Weisman Cheers on Prospects of Ryan-Bashing Democrats in Congress for New York Times

New York Times congressional correspondent Jonathan Weisman sounds as confident about Democratic chances as the Democrats he's covering: "One Republican political consultant working on House and ...
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