
Media Research Center

NYTimes' Calmes Praises Obama's 'Thoughtful' Response in Web Q&A, Defends Him on Welfare From GOP

Times reporter Jackie Calmes gushed: "In response to a question about the most difficult decision he had had to make in office, he wrote a thoughtful and lengthy answer that began: 'The ...
Media Research Center

Weisman Wastes New York Times Space Weakly Mocking Congressional Republicans

Times reporter Jonathan Weisman was really grasping for ways to mock Republicans in the House "The treatment of House Republicans may not have been much of a surprise given recent headlines. ...
Media Research Center

NYT Editor Andrew Rosenthal Classy As Ever: 'Can't Santorum Leave His Daughter, Bella, Alone?'

Another tweet from the paper's Editorial Page editor: "Romney is going to get more combative. Be ready for more birther nonsense and other GOP propaganda." He also claimed that Chris Christie ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Cooper Accuses GOP of 'Selectively Editing' Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' Crack

Michael Cooper, building a defense for President Obama against an effective GOP attack: "The Republican convention is playing a recording of President Obama saying 'You didn't build that' -- but ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Drenches Itself in Hypocrisy With Flood Control Criticism of GOP

The New York Times shows hypocritical opportunism in bashing GOP over Hurricane Isaac: "The New Orleans area, in particular, will rely this week on $14 billion in levee construction, pumps and ...
Media Research Center

Predictable: NYTimes Fills News Gap With Overblown Lead on Discord Among 'Straight-Laced' GOP 'Squares'

Times reporters used weather woes to predict trouble for and mock the Republican convention. Michael Barbaro and Ashley Parker: "The first day of a hyper-scripted convention was canceled here, ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Contrasts 'Relaxed and Loose' Obama With Unsubtle Romney Rallies, 'Mostly White and Older'

When the New York Times sends reporters to compare and contrast the Romney and Obama campaign styles, little surprise who comes off looking best. Times reporter Helene Cooper: "In a re-election ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Cynically Deploys Isaac Threat to Paint GOP As Opposed to 'Care of Its Most Vulnerable'

A front-page Times story cynically employes the threat of Tropical Storm Issac against GOP's small-government philosophy: "The suffering from Hurricane Katrina was still fresh then, with the ...
Media Research Center

NYT Hits Romney's 'False Claims' of Obama Eliminating Work Requirements for Welfare -- But He's Right

New York Times reporters Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg go to bat for Obama on Sunday's front page against Romney's false racially tinged attacks: "The Romney campaign is airing an advertisement ...
Media Research Center

Greetings, GOP, You Angry Herd of Radicals! From the New York Times Sunday Review

Welcome, GOP! This week's New York Times Sunday Review was crammed with articles, interviews, and features hostile toward the "radical," angry, "herd" of Republicans gathering in Tampa.
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