
NYTimes Lead Editorial Stretches 'Far Right' Smear to Include Mainstream Conservative Positions on Guns, Abortion

So where's the "far right" part? "Ted Yoho, who won a Congressional primary in northern Florida, wants to abolish the income tax and replace it with a sales tax, believes life begins at ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Again Piles on Liberal Melodrama Over Augusta National Golf Club's Membership Policy

Former New York Times editor and Augusta National crusader Howell Raines must be happy, or at least happier: "Augusta National Golf Club, the private club that hosts the Masters and has come ...

New York Times Puts on Front Page Own Poll Alleging NYPD Pro-White Favoritism

After months of hostile coverage, the Times polls New Yorkers on "stop and frisk" police tactics, and finds they are (surprise) divided on whether police treat minorities fairly. The paper uses ...
Media Research Center

Rosenthal Again Tries to Get World to Turn Off the Air: 'We Can't Live With Air-Conditioning...'

New York Times environmental reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal: "Today’s humans probably need air-conditioning if they want to thrive and prosper. Yet if all those new city dwellers use ...
Media Research Center

Michigan's Moderate GOP Gov. Gets NYT Kudos for Rejecting Conservative Policy

For the New York Times, this is an unambiguously good thing: "In this political age of ideological purity, Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan is an enigma....Snyder, a former accountant who has ...
Media Research Center

Maureen Dowd: 'Hysterical' Paul Ryan's Moderate Mien Hides 'Full-Tilt Virulence'

Times columnist Maureen Dowd: "Both men [Paul Ryan and former VP Dick Cheney] are way, way out there. It is, to use a phrase coined by French doctors, la belle indifférence, or 'the beautiful ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Stelter: PBS Host Gwen Ifill 'Livid' Over Not Being Chosen to Moderate Presidential Debate

Dismissing conservative concerns of liberal bias on the part of moderators for the presidential debates as a predictable Rush Limbaugh talking point, New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter ...

New York Times Gets Job Done in FRC Shooting Follow-Up Story

The New York Times followed up Thursday's buried brief on the Family Research Council shooting with a solid and balanced story on Friday, including pertinent information about the shooter's ...
Media Research Center

Egan's Peculiar Omission in Bashing Romney as 'Olympic Caliber' Flip-Flopper: Mitt's 2002 Olympics

Former New York Times reporter Timothy Egan mocks Romney's ancestors for polygamy (though President Obama's family tree is similarly encumbered) and mocks Romney as an "Olympian" flip-flopper ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Trumpets Mitt Romney's Tax Rate in Friday Lead Slot

The Times predictably put Mitt Romney's tax return announcement in its lead slot, but reporter Michael Shear noted that "Mr. Romney and his wife would still have had a higher income tax rate than ...
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