
Media Research Center

Paul Ryan Greeted With 'Conservative' Labels, Seen as Proudly Conservative Compared to 'More Pragmatic' Obama

Times reporter Jackie Calmes sounds unhappy with Romney's choice of Paul Ryan: "His blueprint would greatly shrink the government, largely undoing the social safety net by shifting more costs ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes' Shear Defends Obama's 'You Didn't Build That', Says Romney 'Twisted' Words Out of Context

New York Times reporter Michael Shear defends Obama's notorious "You didn't build that" remark: "Last month, the outrage was directed at another Romney ad that took a few lines from Mr. Obama ...
Media Research Center

A Nasty Taste: NYTimes Foodie Mark Bittman Takes on Pro-Lifers, Gay Marriage, Gun Control

Mark Bittman, Times food writer and nasty leftist: "The easy solution to that is to make gun purchases more difficult, especially for disturbed people who appear to think they’re part of some ...
Media Research Center

NYT: Calmes Remembers 'Jaw-Dropping Crowds' for Obama 5 Years Ago vs. Mitt's Small, 'Overwhelmingly White' Numbers

Times reporter Jackie Calmes compared the "diversity" of Obama's campaign crowdsderisively against those who come to see Mitt Romney: "About 4,200 people of all ages and colors spread across a ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Severson Finds 'Radicals' and 'Conservative Christian' Protesters in Charlotte, But Occupy Movement Isn't Even Liberal

Times' Atlanta bureau Chief Kim Severson visited Charlotte as it prepared for the Democratic National Convention and found "radical evangelical groups" composed of "conservative Christians" as ...
Media Research Center

Obama Makes Strong Pitch for 'Women's Rights' in Colo., While Romney Left Twisting in the 'Wind' in Iowa

Covering Obama in Denver, the Times credited the president's popularity among women, while the Romney coverage from Iowa emphasized a controversy in that state: "In Des Moines, Mr. Romney ...
Media Research Center

Backlash Continues After NYT's Vicious Attack on Olympic Hurdler Lolo Jones Days Before Her Events

A National Review writer reports on the backlash to a Times columnist's attack on U.S. Olympic hurdler Lolo Jones, who is a public Christian, a virgin, and fan of the devout Tim Tebow: "As is so ...
Media Research Center

Left-Wing Food Writer Bittman Apologizes for Offensive Obit of Chick-Fil-A Executive: 'Speaking of Pigs...'

Left-wing Times food writer Mark Bittman was forced to apologize for this callous rant: "Speaking of pigs, the VP of PR for Chick-fil-A dropped dead of a heart attack the week after the chain’s ...
Media Research Center

Trip Gabriel Rides to Defense of Obama on Relaxing Welfare Rules, Calls Conservative Charges 'a Stretch'

Times reporter Trip Gabriel rides to the defense of the Obama administration: "The speech was part of a coordinated assault with the Republican National Committee, which sounded the theme in a ...
Media Research Center

NYT: Tea Party 'Siphoned Energy and Support From Violent Fringe Groups' in White Power Movement

The New York Times finds a way to involve the Tea Party into the murders at a Sikh temple: "One reason for the disarray might be the growth of a more mainstream movement, the Tea Party, whose ...
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