
Media Research Center

Why Has America Rejected Obama-care? NYT Blames Karl Rove Ads, Conservative Commentators

Why have Americans overwhelmingly rejected Obama-care? Times reporter Abby Goodnough blames Karl Rove and Fox News, hints that Obama-care supporters have the facts on their side: "That success ...

New York Times, Friend of the (Government) Worker

The Times' front-page sob: "But pink slips are still going out in a crucial area: government....But those with disappearing jobs say that the effects are not just economic -- they mean longer ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Bellafante Plays Race Card, Smears Singer in Defense of Principal Who Tossed 'God Bless the U.S.A.'

In a ferocious and racially charged defense of school principal Greta Hawkins, Times writer Ginia Bellafante took a personal cheap shot at singer Lee Greenwood for daring to criticize Hawkins for ...

Channeling Occupy Wall Street in the Times Business Section: 'You Call This a Revolution?'

Times financial reporter Nathaniel Popper talked in familiar terms of "revolution," "the 99 percent," and the "nation’s have-a-lots" versus "the have-lesses.": "You call this a revolution? ...
Media Research Center

Sympathy for 'the Devil': Anna Wintour 'an Engaged Politico and Valuable Asset' to Obama

Intimidating Vogue editor Anna Wintour is actually "an engaged politico and valuable asset to President Obama and his re-election effort," gushes Times political and media writer Jeremy Peters.

NYT: Sen. Mitch McConnell's 'Incendiary Defense' of Free Speech?

"...Mr. McConnell did not sound like a bomb-thrower, but his speech was an incendiary defense of the free flow of campaign cash in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ...
Media Research Center

Pity President Obama as Passive Victim of Circumstance, Suggests NYTimes Front Page

Times reporter Peter Baker pities President Barack Obama, victim of circumstance: ""For Barack Obama, a president who set out to restore good relations with the world in his first term, the ...
Media Research Center

New York Times, Rest of Media Aghast Over Neil Munro Interrupting Obama

Times media reporter Brian Stelter was insulted on behalf of the president and his fellow liberal reporters: "By shouting out and repeatedly interrupting the president during a speech, [reporter ...
Media Research Center

Trip Gabriel Digs Spurs In, Takes Ann Romney's Horse Story for Another Pointless Lap

New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel enlisted Daily Show comedian Stephen Colbert to mock the Romney campaign, specifically Ann Romney's interest in the sport of equestrian dressage: "As the wife ...
Media Research Center

Surprise: NYT's Coverage of New Obama Immigration Policy Utterly Slanted Toward Amnesty

The New York Times' coverage of Obama's amnesty announcement was typically loaded toward the side of illegal immigrants, and barely addressed conservative concerns about employment and the rule of ...
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