
Media Research Center

Sexual Stereotyping Now OK at the Times? Claims Women Are Simply Better at Fashion, Managing

Sexual stereotypes are acceptable, as long as they portray women as superior to men? In "The Edge Goes to the Women," Horyn wrote "Could it be that women, despite being outnumbered by male ...
Media Research Center

Romney Hit on Obama Seen as Accurate But False by NYT, But 'Fake But Accurate' Good Enough for Bush Smears

When it came to defending CBS's "60 Minutes" using phony memos to lie about Bush's Vietnam War record, the liberal media standard was "Fake But Accurate," as preserved in a New York Times ...
Media Research Center

Rosenthal on Santorum: He Thrived on 'Fear and Xenophobia and Intolerance'

Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal pays tribute to former Republican candidate Rick Santorum: "Mr. Santorum showed that he could appeal to the far right, and the way far right, and the ...
Media Research Center

NYT SCOTUS Reporter Linda Greenhouse Still Insists Obama-Care Opponents Don't Have "Much of an Argument"

The former New York Times Supreme Court reporter again defends Obama-care, even after it was knocked around during Supreme Court argument: "Personally, I think I agree with many constitutional ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Peters Notes Gov. Nikki Haley Once Hit With 'Unfounded Blog Report'...But It Ran in the Times

Times media reporter Jeremy Peters defended Republican Gov Nikki Haley of South Carolina from a phony scandal story that made the rounds of the media via Twitter last week, and reminded ...

NYTimes Tries to Make Hay Out of High CEO Pay, Admits Its Example is 'Extreme' (and Shareholder-Approved)

Natasha Singer's front-page Business section expose on the alleged scandal of oversized CEO pay, "A Rich Game of Thrones – C.E.O. Pay Gains May Have Slowed, But the Numbers Are Still Numbing," ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Magazine Prints 5,000-Word Mash Note to 'Beautiful' Young Chilean Communist, Camila Vallejo

What will the feminists think? Magazine contributor Francisco Goldman yearns for "Camila Vallejo, the 23-year-old president of the University of Chile student federation (FECH), a Botticelli ...
Media Research Center

Krugman-Brooks, Round 15? New York Times Columnists May Be Engaged in Another Secret War

Years after furtively fighting over Reagan and racism (it's Times policy for columnists not to criticize each other), lefty Paul Krugman and "centrist" David Brooks may be scrapping over the ...
Media Research Center

NYT Columnist Joe Nocera Defends Chevy Volt, Reveals His Obsession With Car Critics Fox News, Rush

The Chevy Volt is an "Ingenious" electric car, but all is not well in Volt-ville: "Yet there was also an undercurrent of nervousness at the breakfast. A reporter for Fox News had been prowling ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Reporter Jason DeParle Thinks His 'Apocalyptic Warnings' on Welfare Reform Now Vindicated

New York Times welfare reporter Jason DeParle clearly considers his previous doomsaying reporting on welfare reform vindicated in his latest 2,700-word lead story on Sunday, "Welfare Limits ...
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