
Media Research Center

NY Times Hypes Boast: Obama Strongest Foreign-Policy Democrat 'In Recent Memory'

The New York Times: Newspaper or a pro-Obama bulletin board? In "Obama Seizes National Security as An Issue," reporter Helene Cooper promoted the Democrats as much tougher on foreign policy ...
Media Research Center

'God's Rottweiler' Pope Benedict Delivers 'Stern...Homily'; Reign Marked By 'Sexual Abuse scandal...Vatican Heirarchy in Disarray'

On Good Friday, Times Rome bureau chief Rachel Donadio called Pope Benedict by his harsh nickname "God's Rottweiler" and brought up extraneous problems in the Church: " was one of the ...
Media Research Center

Times Golf Reporter Crouse Wants to 'Make a Stand,' Refuse to Cover Sexist Masters Tournament

Sorry, Masters golf tournament, you don't meet the exacting standards of feminist activist/golf writer Karen Crouse. The New York Times reporter is not done with her crusade against Augusta ...
Media Research Center

On Eve of The Masters, the New York Times Again Takes a Club to Membership Policy of Augusta National 'Boys Club'

The New York Times is again trying to gin up a controversy over the men-only status of Augusta National Golf Club, host of The Masters golf tournament, after embarrassing itself over the issue ...
Media Research Center

No 'Embarrassment' for NYT's Greenhouse, Even After 'Simply Wrong' Side Demolishes Obama-Care in SCOTUS

No "embarrassment" here: Former New York Times Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse, who called Obama-care opponents "simply wrong" about the law's unconstitutionality right before the ...
Media Research Center

Calmes Thinks Democrats Can Run Against SCOTUS: No Criticism of Obama's 'Unprecendented' Warning to Court

Wishful thinking on behalf of Obama? New York Times White House reporter Jackie Calmes fancies that criticizing the Supreme Court might be a winning issue for Democrats for a change. Calmes ...
Media Research Center

Dowd Unleashed: Supreme Court 'Run By Hacks," Stole Election for Bush

Times columnist Maureen Dowd is not happy with the Supreme Court's hostility toward Obama-care: "It is run by hacks dressed up in black robes." She also accuses the court of stealing the ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes' Climate Reporter Justin Gillis Compares Global-Warming Skeptics to Opponents of Evolution

Times climate change reporter Justin Gillis, whose previous environmental reporting was nominated by an environmental scientist as perhaps "the worst ever" to appear in the Times, compares ...
Media Research Center

Irony: Journalist Michael Powell Sees 'Dirty Tricks' in Young Conservatives Going Undercover to Sting Liberals

Michael Powell informs us that secretly recording interviews with social-service organizations isn't investigative journalism, but "dirty tricks," at least when done by young conservatives: "This ...
Media Research Center

Pro-Amnesty New York Times Reporter Julia Preston Gushes Over 'A Die-Hard Conservative, but Not on Immigrants'

Julia Preston, one of the Times's most reliably pro-amnesty reporters, slid into Denver bureau chief Kirk Johnson's usual slot of using a news story to promote a different kind of Western ...
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