
Matt Bai

Matt Bai's Epic NYT Mag Story Blames Boehner, Tea Party 'Extremists' for Failed Debt Deal; Wash Post Blamed Obama

Matt Bai, chief political correspondent for the New York Times Magazine, delivered a 10,000-word epic cover story on last summer's failed debt negotiations between President Barack Obama and ...

NYT Front-Page Fret: 'Health Law At Risk;' Quotes Tilted 9-1 in Favor of Unpopular Obama-Care

Reed Abelson and Katie Thomas tilt the soundbites 9-1 in favor of Obama-care supporters: "Abandoning the efforts and billions of dollars invested since the law was passed in 2010 would result ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Frets Over Reduced Visibility of 'Populist' Occupy Movement, Then Suggests They've Already Won

Times reporter Michael Schmidt: "Whether Occupy has a resurgence, it has already had a significant influence on American politics, making economic inequality -- and specifically the top “1 ...
Media Research Center

NYT Magazine: Van Jones Not a 9-11 Truther, But a 'Lefty Dreamboat'

Andrew Goldman didn't challenge "lefty dreamboat" Van Jones in a interview for the New York Times Sunday Magazine: "In your new book, 'Rebuild the Dream,' you discuss your 2009 resignation as ...
Media Research Center

Justin Gillis, NYT's Apocalypse Reporter, Again Makes Front Page With Story on Arctic Sea Ice

Another "weird weather" development means another front-page warning of climate change, based on sea ice, from New York Times environmental reporter Justin Gillis: "...suspicion is focused these ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes White House Reporter Shoehorns Defense of Obama 'Stimulus' Into Tourist Piece on D.C. Cherry Blossoms

New York Times White House reporter Jackie Calmes made a surprise appearance in the arts pages to talk about cherry blossom season in Washington, D.C. The unsurprising part: Yet another ...
Media Research Center

Gail Collins, the NYT's La-La-La Liberal: 'Really, I Have My Hands Over My Ears. Not Listening.'

Wait, aren't conservatives supposed to be the close-minded, ideologically intolerant ones? New York Times columnist Gail Collins: "I can’t believe this might be overturned. How can this law not ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Gail Collins to Gun Rights Supporters: We Don't Want Your Kind Here

Times columnist Gail Collins, agent of intolerance: "You would think all of this would cause states to stop and rethink. But no. And, personally, I’m worn down from arguing. Florida, follow ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Still Promoting Leftist Doves at J Street as 'Pro-Israel'

Helene Cooper imagines "divisions" within the Jewish community over attacking Iran's nuclear weapons program, using a left-wing Israeli organization the Times has desperately tried to built up as ...
Media Research Center

After Massacre of Children By Islamist, NYTimes Frets Only About 'Diversity at Risk,' Anti-Muslim 'Tensions'

Strange priorities at the New York Times: Reporter Scott Sayare, in Toulouse in the aftermath of the killings of seven by a radical Muslim, seemed to think the top story was Muslim fear of ...
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