
Media Research Center

For Anti-War Reporter, "Feverish" Talk of Iran Nuclear Threat Is "New Whiff of Gunpowder in the Air"

Reporter Scott Shane is not pleased with the "inflammatory oratory" and "strident" talk around possible threats from an Iran equipped with nuclear capability: "...why is there already a new whiff ...

NYT Editorials, News Stories Agree on "Miserable" and "Unbearable" Lives of Illegals

When it comes to illegal immigration, it's hard to tell the left-wing Times editorial from the paper's "objective" news stories, since they all dwell on how "miserable," "unbearable," and ...
Media Research Center

Carl Hulse Indulges Russ Feingold's Preening Liberal Melodrama

New York Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse indulges liberal Sen. Russ Feingold's preening post-9-11 melodrama: "The pleasant Capitol Hill neighborhood that he inhabited became an armed ...
Media Research Center

David Carr, Who Called Midwesterners "Low-Sloping Foreheads," Cries Racism Over Lin Headline

Veteran media reporter David Carr declared an unfortunate ESPN headline slurring the ethnicity of the Knicks' Jeremy Lin as one of myriad “underlying racist tropes that still lurk in the id of ...
Media Research Center

Surprise: Sunday's Lead Slot Warns High Gas Prices May Hurt Obama's Reelection Chances

The New York Times tends to soft-pedal dangers like rising gas prices during Democratic administrations, while playing them up during Republican ones. But not on Sunday: The lead story brought ...
Media Research Center

Reporter Oppel Misleads on Santorum's "Phony Theology" Quote, Gets Aggrieved Attacking Obama Skeptics

After conflating Santorum's criticism of Obama's energy policy with questioning the president's faith, Richard Oppel Jr. takes off the reporter mask to get offended on Obama's behalf: "Assertions ...

Landon Thomas's Brilliant Solution to British Youth Unemployment: More Job-Training Schemes

Landon Thomas Jr. blames the "debt-driven austerity crusade" and lack of tax-funded job training for youth unemployment in England: "...experts say the British government’s debt-reduction ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Embraces Stolen Heartland Institute Docs, Snottily Dismisses Climate Skepticism

The Times embraces stolen documents from an activist group skeptical of global warming, and snottily dismisses the Heartland Institute's claim the theory is "a major scientific controversy." "It ...
Media Research Center

Heartland Institute Warming Skeptics Victimized by Fraud But Still Blamed by Environmental Reporter Revkin

Double standards: Former environmental reporter Andrew Revkin stood arms-length from the leaked emails from the East Anglia Climatic Research Unit that resulted in the "Climategate" scandal that ...
Media Research Center

Religion Reporter Spreads False "98%" Figure on Catholic Birth Control, Puts "Religious Freedom" in Scare Quotes

A slanted summary by religion reporter Laurie Goodstein is symbolic of the tone of her coverage of Obama's contraceptive mandate: "The uproar threatens to embroil the Catholic church in a bitter ...
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