
Anguished Lead NYT Editorial Accuses Obama of Giving Up High Ground on Super PACs

The liberal Times editorial page feels betrayed by President Obama's embrace of Super PACs, reversing his position on campaign finance: "He is also telling the country that simply getting ...

Obama Decides SuperPAC No 'Threat to Democracy' After All, Times Barely Sees Stark Hypocrisy

Obama decides that Super PACs aren't such a "threat to democracy" after all, but the Times barely acknowledges the flip-flop: "...a milestone in Mr. Obamas evolving stances on political fund-raising."

Cooper Basks in 'Obama Camp's Delight' Over Romney Struggles

Helene Cooper: "Both moments were perceived by the Obama re-election campaign as another gift from Mr. Romney - now dubbed 'the gift that keeps on giving' by some on the Obama team."

'Terse, Old' Constitution Outdated for Failing to Guarantee 'Entitlements' Like Health Care

Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak conflates constitutional rights with entitlements: "But the Constitution is out of step with the rest of the world in failing to protect, at least in so many ...

How Dare Romney Say Obama Made Economy Worse: Reporters Rush to Prez's Defense

Reporters rush to Obama's defense: How dare Romney say Obama has made the economy worse! "It was a dubious statement, because the unemployment rate fell to precisely what it was during Mr. Obama's ...

Planned Parenthood Donor Mayor Bloomberg Hailed for 'Longtime Support for...Women's Health'

Michael Grynbaum: "But thanks to exquisite timing, an ear for the zeitgeist and an assist from the momentum and immediacy of the Internet, a $250,000 pledge from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to ...

Media's 'Blatant' Pro-Abortion Bias Clear in Komen Controversy, Says Columnist Ross Douthat

Douthat: "From the nightly news shows to print and online media, the coverage's tone alternated between wonder and outrage - wonder that anyone could possibly find Planned Parenthood even remotely ...

Times Celebrates Social Media Outcry That Would Soon Force Komen to Capitulate

Friday's lead story celebrated the social media outcry among "the growing number of people online, mostly women, who decried what they view as the politicization of women's health care," which ...

Not Even 'Angry Conservatives' Likes 'Watching Grass Wilt' Because Of State Cuts

More Texas liberalism in the "news" section: "The hypothesis here - and an election is a fast way to test it - is that even conservatives want government to function. Maybe they don't like the ...

Strange New Respect for Mormon Faith When It Comes to Amnesty for Illegals, Tweaking Romney

Suddenly it's not courageous to disagree with the leaders of your religion: "Romney's Tough Immigration View Is at Odds With His Church." Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein even showed respect for ...
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