
Incurious Journalist Covers Fired Immigrants, Doesn't Question Legal Status

Jennifer Medina sympathetically covers the plight of California immigrants who were fired for failing to come up with proof of legal residence, but fails to ask the obvious question: Were they in ...

NYT Sides With 'Health Provider' Planned Parenthood in 'Partisan' Komen Funding Cut-Off

Reporters Gardiner Harris and Pam Belluck claim that "Only a small percentage of Planned Parenthood's expenditures go toward abortion services." Yet the Times also admitted PP was "the nation's ...
Media Research Center

Meet Mitt Romney, 'Unfeeling Corporate Titan'

Times reporter Ashley Parker, on the Romney campaign trail, used an out-of-context remark by Mitt Romney to rehash Romney’s list of rich-guy campaign gaffes.

Meet Mitt Romney, 'Unfeeling Corporate Titan'

Well, it's slightly better than "greedy titan," which is the insult Times reporters relayed in January.

Times Freely Mocks Mormons: 'I Wouldn't Buy the Underwear Just Yet'

The Times online has "Room for Debate" to mock some religions, including Mormonism: "I wouldn't buy the underwear just yet....[the Mormon Church] has used its mobilizing genius to pursue political ...

Suspicious Concern Over Romney's 'Heavy New Baggage' After Florida Win

The Times sees in Romney "a willingness to descend into the muck and run a relentlessly negative campaign....Mr. Romney has never been especially squeamish about negative campaigning. As jarring ...

Learning Nothing From Duke Debacle, NYT Smears Another College Athlete With Assault Allegation

Did the Times learn nothing about rushing to judgement from its Duke lacrosse "rape" hoax debacle? Even as the case fell apart, the Times issued a now-notorious, error-riddled 5,000-word story ...

Taking Obama's Side on Catholic Campus Outcry Over Birth Control Mandate

Breaking with standard Times practice when liberal activists challenge conservative rule changes, reporter Denise Grady gave far more news space to supporters of the change wrought by Obama, ...
Media Research Center

Pro-Regulation Times Laments 'Bureaucratic Nightmare'...When It Involves a Pro-Life Law

Reporter Emily Ramshaw sympathizes with abortion clinic owners about new Texas laws requiring state abortion clinics to show a mother seeking an abortion a sonogram of her baby - or as Ramshaw ...

Boosting Obama, Landler Quotes Zakaria's Praise, Omits He Advises Prez

Mark Landler gushed: "In a delicious coincidence for the White House, the author is Robert Kagan, a neoconservative historian and commentator who advises Mr. Romney." Landler also used commentator ...
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