
NYT Reporter: Harassment Claim Blame Falls Solely on Cain

So much for presumed innocent. Sam Roberts on Herman Cain's response to anonymous sexual harassment allegations: "But isn't the more fundamental question, that he has no one except himself to blame?"

Times Hypes Misleading 'Food Stamp Challenge,' Left-Wing FRAC

To Eric Lichtblau, the left-wing Food Research Action Council, which pushes the misleading "food stamp challenge" publicity stunt, is merely "a Washington advocacy group working with religious ...

On Front Page, Times Admits Poverty Problem Overstated for Years

But reporter Jason DeParle once condemned Bill Clinton for signing a welfare reform bill that "begrudges poor infants their Pampers."

'Largely Peaceful March' in Oakland? Times Again Downplays Occupy's Destruction

The Times conveniently blames "fringe protesters" for violence after an "orderly day" of marches. But just how "fringe" were the vandals and fire-setters?

Kristof Cringes at Thought of More Harmful Humans Being Born

Columnist Kristof: "So as we greet the seven-billionth human, let's try to delay the arrival of the eight billionth. We should all be able to agree on voluntary family planning as a cost-effective ...

One Protester = 61 Square Inches of Newspaper Space?

Protest priorities at the Times? A single protester of a move by Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Arizona redistricting garnered the second-most space of any photograph in Thursday's edition.

Times Downplays Occupy Oakland Destruction; Will Violence Show Up in Print?

Maria Wollan for Thursday's edition: "Despite the disruption of work, the crowd at the port was peaceful." Many paragraphs later: "The mood at the protest remained jovial throughout the ...

Maureen Dowd on 'Wacky Black Conservatives' Like Herman Cain

Columnist Maureen Dowd: "Even Barack Obama couldn't be lucky enough to waltz past two wacky black conservatives, first Alan Keyes and then Cain. The Herminator was just a raffish passing fancy..."
Media Research Center

Overpopulation Chic: Stubborn Americans Averse to Controls on 'Right to Bear Arms Or Children'

Mireya Navarro: "As recently as the 1970s, the subject of population control was less controversial, partly because the baby boom years had given rise to concerns about scarcity of resources, some ...

To the Rescue! 'Obama Tries to Speed Response To Shortages in Vital Medicines'

"...Mr. Obama's order and others he has issued recently reflect his belief in the power of government to improve people's lives. By contrast, top Republican legislators and presidential candidates ...
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