In Jackie Calmes' telling, President Obama will find harmless "savings" in Medicare, while the GOP threatens to "shrink" the entitlement: "The Republican plan includes a shrinking of Medicare and ...
Reporter Jeff Zeleny claims Obama has shifted to the center after the 2010 Democratic wipeout. But previously Zeleny insisted Obama had always been a pragmatic centrist. If he suspected it was ...
Liberal journalist and confirmed Bush-hater Jonathan Chait sounds like an unsophisticated conspiracist in questioning why the GOP is sure to nominate a "dweeb" to run against Obama: "Meeting in ...
For Michael Shear, "vocal conservatives," "religious conservatives" abound in the Republican Party, but liberals are almost nowhere to be found among Democrats, even ones like Robert Reich and ...
James McKinley Jr.'s "reporting" on the cost-cutting Texas budget sounded a lot like liberal opinion: "It is hard to overstate the budget-cutting furor that has gripped lawmakers in this capital, ...
Motoko Rich indulges in government-shutdown cliches: "Among the people anxiously waiting to hear if Congress can reach a budget deal are front desk clerks at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite ...
While its two rival dailies plastered photos of Obama and Sharpton on their front pages, the Times virtually ignored the dynamic duo, relegating their appearance together to the fourth paragraph ...
The paper's chief economics writer again called for health-care rationing and higher taxes: "Next, the federal government would raise taxes. As countries have grown richer over time, they have ...
Jackie Calmes on the risky Republican budget put forward by Rep. Paul Ryan: "By its mix of deep cuts in taxes and domestic spending, and its shrinkage of the American safety net, the plan sets the ...
The Media Research Center is holding its annual Gala featuring the DisHonors Awards of 2011: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporting, a tongue-in-cheek roast of the past year's ...