The Times twice attributed Loughner's nutty views to "right-wing extremist groups" - yet failed to call his 9-11 Truth beliefs or loathing of President Bush leftist or liberal.
Here's Krugman trying to be fair to his political enemies, who prefer their "capitalism red in tooth and claw": "The other side believes that people have a right to keep what they earn, and that ...
The Times tries to drag the NRA into the Arizona shooting debate under the regretful headline "Sadness Aside, No Shift Seen On Gun Laws." The lead sentence to a front-page story by Adam Nagourney ...
Gail Collins admitted her proposal might not work, but wants Congress to prove it can defy the National Rifle Association, while Nicholas Kristof calls for a 28-day waiting period before buying a ...
From a "news" story by Campbell Robertson: "Governor [Haley] Barbour...has also, however, been dogged by statements that suggest a considerably old-fashioned, even blinkered, view of history, ...
Times reporters and editors disapproved of Palin's use of "blood libel" to describe journalists who blamed political rhetoric for the shootings in Arizona. Here's columnist Frank Rich, October ...
Adam Nagourney finds another Arizonan besides the shooter to attack: "But fairly or not, Arizona's image has been forged in part because of Ms. Brewer herself, who has been identified with the ...
Public Editor Arthur Brisbane has a problem with the paper putting columns on the front page: "The Times's decision to place it on Page 1 that posed the difficulty, sending the message that The ...
After a radical Muslim Army officer killed a dozen soldiers in Texas, the Times editorialized "it will be important to avoid drawing prejudicial conclusions from the fact that Major Hasan is an ...