
Jill Abramson Links 2010 GOP Giving to Nixon, Watergate Era of Illegality

Jill Abramson finds the link between Republican-affiliated groups in 2010 and the scourge of Watergate: "But the fund-raising practices that earned people convictions in Watergate - giving direct ...

Frank Rich Hits for the Cycle in Smearing GOP Figures As Encouraging Racism and Violence

Frank Rich goes from Carl Paladino, to Glenn Beck, to Sarah Palin, and back to Paladino in a free-form smear attempt that blames conservatives for past, present, and future violence: "But in the ...

Psst! IRS! Over Here! Luo Again Hints IRS Could Pry Into Campaign Financing By Pro-GOP Groups

Michael Luo tries again: "Problems with the I.R.S. could lead to tax penalties and revocation of tax-exempt status. But nonprofit groups engaging heavily in express advocacy could also run into ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note - The Tea Party's 'War on Competence and Professionalism'

Plus: Frank Rich on the "useful idiots" of the GOP, and the non-partisan warnings of Obama the Wise.

Go to Vegas, Meet Obama, Don't Mention Obama Criticizes Blowing Cash in Vegas

Reporter Michael Shear sounded pretty excited in his blog post about an Obama fundraising trip to Las Vegas: "Democratic Contest: Go to Vegas, Meet Obama." But Shear left out that Obama chided ...

Putting a Damper on Republican Takeover Dreams

Reporters Carl Hulse and Jeff Zeleny offer some seriously strained hypotheticals, like "last-minute missteps," in the defense of the idea that Democrats could hold on to control of the House of ...

Palin Still Knee-Jerk Source of Mirth for Liberal Times Reporters

"Was it a Sarah Palin moment? Christine O'Donnell, the Republican Senate candidate in Delaware, stumbled during the debate tonight when asked for a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that she ...

More Convenient Front-Page Fretting About 'Anonymous' GOP Donors

Taking a cue from liberal interest groups and the Obama White House, the Times puts some supposedly scary stuff on its front page: "Like many of the other groups with anodyne names engaged in the ...

Paul Krugman on ABC Compares 'Centrist Moderate' Obama to 'Irrational' Tea Party

Columnist Paul Krugman was tactful as ever as a panelist on ABC's Sunday political talk show "This Week": "There are some seriously strange people running, thanks to the Tea Party."

Herszenhorn Finds 'Anger...Fury,' and Ignorant Republican Voters in Pennsylvania

Reporter David Herszenhorn finds anger and voter ignorance at only one end of the political spectrum, and has time for a fact-check of conservative claims: "The voters of Pennsylvania are angry at ...
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