
Another NYT Nudge Toward End-of-Life Health Care Rationing?

Andrew Pollack greets a new tumor-shrinking drug with concerns about costs, as if cancer-fighting drugs come cheap: "A newly approved chemotherapy drug will cost about $30,000 a month, a sign that ...

Times Headline on McCain Criticizing Obama: 'The Crankiness of the Defeated'

Has the Times anger at Republicans for blocking Obama-care reduced them to making old-man jokes?

Vinyl LP's: Still Making a Comeback

Maybe someday they will finally arrive...

Times 'Ethicist' Tackles 'Radio Blowhards' and 'Tea Party Crackpots'

Times "Ethicist" columnist Randy Cohen attacks conservatives: "...even in an era when radio blowhards fulminate and Tea Party crackpots threaten violence against their political foes, it is ...

The Science Is Still Settled, Part II

When it comes to science, "Take nobody's word for it" - unless they're pushing global warming alarmism, of course: "With the scientific consensus more or less settled that human activity - the ...

Don't Fret About ClimateGate - The Science Is Still Settled

On the eve of potentially expensive climate change talks in Copenhagen, Andrew Revkin and John Broder assure readers that besides CRU there are "a wide range of data from other sources, including ...

Times Public Editor Says ClimateGate Emails 'Not a Three-Alarm Story'

Clark Hoyt defends Andrew Revkin's incomplete coverage of ClimateGate and the Times for not posting the emails on its web site.

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Sarah Palin Fans Racist or Something

Read the absolutely most biased quotes from the Times in the latest edition of Quotes of Note.

Here's to the Losers: Times Celebrates Sobbing NYS Senators Supporting Gay Marriage

Reporter Michael Grynbaum quoted not one, not two, but six emotional New York State senators supporting gay marriage - in a vote that lost by a wide margin: "Ruth Hassell-Thompson was a young girl ...

Malkin Annihilates Nicholas Kristof's Guilt-Tripping Column on Obama-Care

"Are We Going to Let John Die?" Kristof asked. Um, apparently not: "John Brodniak, a man who already has government health insurance and is already being treated for his illness, is the New York ...
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