
To NY Times Editor Tanenhaus, Obama Centrist, Explicitly Nonideological

Week in Review and Book Review editor Sam Tanenhaus sees liberals like Barack Obama as "consensus" oriented, "explicitly nonideological" centrists and Republicans as "ideologically committed" ...

NY Times Finally Picks Up Van Jones Story - After He Resigns

The Times keeps its readership reliably in the dark about Obama's "green jobs" czar and 9-11 Truther Van Jones, not covering the controversy at all under its over.

Ad for the NYT's Weekend Edition - A Parody

I like the "Pictures of Goats" section myself...

"Far Right" Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute?

Hosting a Times political podcast, the Times' Sam Roberts on "the far right, or certainly the conservative wing of the party" against Obama-care, referring to mainstream political groups like ...

Times Plumps Joe Kennedy for Ted's Seat, Ignores Hugo Chavez Ties

In pondering the glories of the waning Kennedy era in Massachusetts, the Times ignored "populist" Joe Kennedy's ties to Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, yet praised Kennedy for providing free ...

After Denying Obama Would Raise Taxes on Middle Class During Campaign, Times Calls for It

Times reporter Larry Rohter during the campaign: "Under [Obama's] plan, only individuals making $200,000 or more and families earning more than $250,000 a year, accounting for less than 2 percent ...

Stalinist Paul Robeson Again Hailed As a "Giant of the Civil Rights Movement"

Columnist Peter Applebome devotes a single sentence to actor-singer Paul Robeson's Stalinism, then ludicrously calls Robeson an "uncompromising human rights advocate."

Small Business Owners "Have a New Health Care Hero"?

What does it take to become a "health care hero" in the Times? Just be a Democratic congressman who endorses big government health insurance.

Executive Editor Bill Keller Finds Blog He Likes: The Left-Wing Talking Points Memo

Keller loves lefty blogger/journalist Josh Marshall, and so does everyone else in the media: "My respect for Josh Marshall, to cite everyone's favorite example of a serious journalism venture born ...

Katharine Seelye Busts "Myths" About Obama-Care That Are Actually Valid

Katharine Seelye insists that many valid criticisms of Obama-care (that abortion would be covered, that illegal immigrants would get taxpayer-funded care, and that private insurance would be ...
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