
Amazing Omissions in Times Interview of Barney Frank

A Times writer manages to talk to Barney Frank about Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and an SNL skit without bringing up a single challenging question.

Free-Market Radical From Czech Republic "Embarrasses" EU Again

Once again, the Times chides a Czech Republic leader's infuriating embrace of free-market principles.

Striving to Paint a More Positive Picture of a Cop-Killer

Lovelle Mixon killed four Oakland police officers - but was he also a victim of the California penal system?

As the Times Turns: Obama "More Enervating Than Energizing"

The Times holds the hagiography in its coverage of Obama's "professor-in-chief" prime-time press conference.

Slimy Bush Bashing in the Science Section

A cheap shot against the former president in a story about...a giant amoeba?

The NYT's Constitution Applies to Illegal Immigrants, Not Gun Owners

"The Constitution's bedrock protections do not apply to just the native-born. The suffering that illegal immigrants endure - from raids to workplace exploitation to mistreatment in detention - is ...

NYT's Idea of "The Best News" - Gay Commitments

Students attending their Harlem teacher's "gay commitment" ceremony is worth a big profile by reporter Susan Dominus. Plus: Seventh-grade "homophobes"?

"Plan B" Coverage Shows Clear Labeling Bias Against Social Cons

Not a pro-abortion group, but a "women's health advocate."

More Publicity for Lefty Robert Greenwald's Latest Screed

The Times touts leftist filmmaker Robert Greenwald once again, in a story about his piece-by-piece documentary arguing for withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Times' Liberals Turn Against Obama

Has Obama's "Katrina Moment" arrived? Maybe, says Frank Rich: "A charming visit with Jay Leno won't fix it. A 90 percent tax on bankers' bonuses won't fix it. Firing Timothy Geithner won't fix it. ...
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