
Snickering at Palin's Simplistic Patriotism

Patrick Healy thinks Sarah Palin's "partisan zeal" and "with-us-or-against-us message" could "repel some independent voters," and her speeches have "holes in logic." Does the gaffe machine Joe ...

Paul Krugman, Respected Economist Turned Left-Wing Hack, Wins Nobel Prize

In honor of his Nobel, here are some of Bush-bashing columnist Paul Krugman's greatest misses, including: "I predict that in the years ahead Enron, not Sept. 11, will come to be seen as the ...

Great Coverage for Comedian's "Great Schlep"

Taboo-breaking comedienne Sarah Silverman (pictured) stars in a pro-Obama get-out-the-vote effort targeted at elderly Florida Jews whuich has been featured in the Times twice within a week.

John McCain, Tax-Slashing Cynic

Michael Cooper paints an unflattering picture of both McCain and Bush's "deficit-swelling tax cuts."

Bill Ayers, Charles Keating: Same Thing?

Michael Cooper sniffs at McCain's attack on domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and brings up...Charles Keating?: "Mr. McCain is not without his own questionable associations."

Frank Rich Accuses GOP of Spreading "Weimar-like Rage" at Rallies

The left-wing has reviled President Bush as Adolf Hitler and spread conspiracy theories claiming he's responsible for 9-11...but a few hotheads at a GOP campaign rally mark the dawn of a scary new ...

It's Official: Any Criticism of Obama Now Racially Suspect

The short version of Patrick Healy's piece: Every criticism a Republican makes against Obama, from saying he's "not one of us" to his relationship to Bill Ayers, is racially questionable.

Times Writer Is Loving the Financial Meltdown: "Prada Goeth Before a Fall"

John Schwartz: "True joy, my friends, is the feeling that comes from knowing that the right people are sad....And let me tell you that anybody who wears a $30,000 watch can afford to lose $30,000."

Times Finally Smells Something Fishy on Obama's Dubious Donor List

Three days after snidely dismissing the issue, the Times backtracks and finds some questionable Obama donations.

"Hostile," "Angry" Crowds Cheer on McCain-Palin

Does this imply that Obama nation has nothing but lovely feelings for John McCain and Sarah Palin?
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