
Charles Gibson Redeemed Himself from Being Too Tough on Dems By Being Tough on Palin?

"In April, Mr. Gibson and Mr. Stephanopoulos were roundly panned for bypassing the most pressing issues of the day (at least early on in their Democratic debate) in favor of queries about the ...

NYT Bluntly Calls McCain Accusations Against Obama "False"

No journalistic niceties need be applied when defending Barack Obama. And do Times reporters actually watch "The View"?

Obligatory Sarah Palin Hit Piece Shrugworthy

Times goes drilling for scandal in Sarah Palin's Alaskan background, comes up empty.

Palin-Hating Columnist Has Epiphany Meeting Pro-Palin Mothers

Judith Warner attends a Palinpalooza campaign rally in Fairfax, Va. and concludes that "liberals need to start working harder at breaking through the empathy barrier."

Times Harps on Palin's "Prepared Answers," Misleads on Her 9-11 Reference

Jim Rutenberg: "At times visibly nervous, at others appearing to hew so closely to prepared answers that she used the exact same phrases repeatedly, Ms. Palin most visibly stumbled when she was ...

Joe Biden's a Gaffe Machine But Also an "Experienced, Serious and Smart Man"

Will the Times ever describe Sarah Palin in a lead sentence in similar fashion?

Obama Camp Relying on Media to "Debunk" Palin

The Obama camp is relying on its media allies to tackle Palin for them: "[Obama's] aides said they were looking to the news media to debunk the image of her as a blue-collar reformer..."

Gee, Why Do Conservatives Think Journalists Are Snooty Liberals?

A Times reporter tells two people at a McCain rally: "You have to read the New York Times. Don't just listen to what Bill O'Reilly says."

Rohter Rides to Obama's Defense on "Distorted...Discredited" Sex-Ed Charges

Reporter Larry Rohter's pro-Obama fact-checking: McCain's accusations "seriously distort the record....old and discredited accusations." As if Barack Obama and Joe Biden never make faulty ...

NYT Reporter Absolutely Sure Obama's "Pig" Wasn't Palin

Covering for Democrats: Kate Phillips just knows that Obama wasn't insulting Palin with his "lipstick on a pig" remark. Back in 2006, Phillips tried to get people to stop talking about John ...
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