The return of Hillary the victim: "Even Democratic women with no intention of voting for Mrs. Clinton found themselves drawn into the debate and shaken by what briefly seemed like a humiliating ...
With Obama's rise, reporter Kirk Johnson sees the death penalty, global warming and gay marriage as issues that are becoming settled in the public mind - in ways that make liberals happy.
"But the moment is suffused, so as almost not to require that he make it explicit, with a sense of historical moment. I, you, we can make history, he says, by turning the nation's sorrowful racial ...
Populist and pragmatist? Yeah, right: "In 1988, the populist Jesse Jackson kept stony counsel before giving his nod to the pragmatist Michael Dukakis."
"Mr. McCain, then - after a year in which his campaign nearly collapsed, the Iraq war and a controversial immigration bill eroded his popularity, and he was forced to continue his candidacy on a ...
The Times' TV-beat correspondent loves Matthews' Obama worship, but CNN host and anti-illegal immigration crusader Lou Dobbs is "a nut about border crossings."
Didn't he drop out two weeks ago? "Mr. Romney won the precinct with 179 votes, and Mr. McCain finished second with 109. They were followed by Mr. Huckabee, 78; Mr. Thompson, 48; Mr. Giuliani, 45; ...