
Still Gunning for "Just Plain Wrong" Rudy

The Times gets blunt with Giuliani: "All of these statements are incomplete, exaggerated or just plain wrong." Has Hillary or any other Democrat ever been "just plain wrong"?

Hunger Doesn't Take a Holiday - Times Finds "Critical Shortages" Yet Again

Another holiday season, another "critical shortage" of food at food banks - just like the liberal media has claimed for the last two decades.

Another Illegal Immigrant Sob Story

Those lying Feds? "But, to the dismay of many of Greenport's 2,500 residents, the raid here did not match [Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer Julie Myers'] words."

Patrick Healy: Elderly Women Love Hillary

One concern: Will they get over their old-fashioned ideas and vote for a woman president?

More Middle East Moral Equivalency from the NYT

The Times reverts to old habits as another round of peace talks get under way, blaming Israel for recalcitrance and glossing over Palestinian terrorism.

Busted: Krugman vs. Krugman on Social Security

Is Social Security in trouble or not? For alleged economist Paul Krugman, it depends on whether a Democrat or Republican is saying it. A liberal columnist for the Washington Post zaps him with his ...

Titanic Bias? Times Implies U.S. Economy Is Sinking Into Recession

As the 2008 election approaches, the Times uses the image of a sinking red "RECE$$ION" to communicate a fear that is so far only a phantom menace.

On Iraq, Times Catches Democrats Changing the Subject

As success on the ground in Iraq becomes undeniable, reporter Patrick Healy sees a "tonal shift" among Democrats.

Selena's Sickening Standards: Slime Innocent Duke Players, Weep for Guilty Vick

As columnist Selena Roberts moves to Sports Illustrated, her shoddy treatment of the Duke lacrosse players shouldn't be forgotten.

Avoiding Atrocity: Times Leaves off Dragging of Troops in Somalia

Whyever would the U.S. have "turned its back on Somalia" in 1993? Jeffrey Gettleman leaves off one reason: The dragging of U.S. soldiers through the streets.
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