
Another Times Reporter Celebrates Obama's 'Oratorical Gifts'

Yet another Times reporter, Mark Landler, celebrates Obama's "oratorical gifts," but in a story on how Obama's surrogates are the ones making "striking" speeches in support of gay rights, which ...

Parker Celebrates 'Obama's Eloquent and Inspiring Rhetoric...Soaring Remarks' of 2008

In a story about Mitt Romney, reporter Ashley Parker sounds wistful over Obama's 2008 Iowa campaign oratory: "But Mr. Romney is also using the patriotic songs to try to elevate his own political ...

Now a Sports Reporter Gets Into Occupy Wall Street Act

A sportswriter goes political: "[LeBron] James sounded callous - a 1 percenter reminding the 99 percent that he was impervious to their taunts."

Times Watch Quotes of Note 2011 Worst Quotes of the Year

Welcome to the 2011 edition of the worst quotes from the New York Times this year, in three categories: "Occupy Wall Street's 'Athenian Democracy' vs. Tea Party 'Terrorists'"; "Blaming ...

Mark Leibovich Takes on 'Nasty Newt'

Newt Gingrich is "among the more divisive political figures of recent decade" and always threatens to become "Nasty Newt." Yet former vice president Al Gore was a "compelling" "pop culture icon."

Parker Dwells on Robotic Romney's 'Peculiar Habit,' Spells Out His Ha-Ha's

"When Mitt Romney introduces himself to voters, he has a peculiar habit of guessing their age or nationality, often incorrectly." More of Romney as robot: The Times feels the need to spell out ...

Thomas Friedman Says GOP Looking for Someone as 'Smart and Mellifluous' as Obama

Friedman told David Gregory on Meet the Press: "And I think Newt's rise is speaking to us. And what it says to me is, is that I think there's a lot of Republicans who are starved for a candidate ...

Jeremy Peters on the 'Dog-Whistle Politics,' Subliminal Crosses of the Religious Right

Reporter Jeremy Peters is seeing things: "The 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign used billboards with faint images of crosses. And at the Republican National Convention that year, the lecterns on stage ...

'Worst Piece' of NYT Climate Reporting Ever? Justin Gillis's Christmas Day Snow Job

An environmental scientist eviscerates Justin Gillis's front-page article on extreme weather events and global warming as "perhaps the worst piece of reporting I've ever seen in the Times on ...

'Tis the Season to Fight 'Gross Inequality' and Shrink Our Carbon Footprint

Merry Christmas? The Times' Christmas editorial wishes for "an end to the conditions that cause war: gross inequality, intolerance, the endless, destructive struggle over natural resources..."
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