Planned Parenthood Encourages Voting Against Babies – with Kids
For a “women’s health” organization, Planned Parenthood doesn’t think too highly of women. We can’t be trusted to take responsibility for our sex lives, or even to get ourselves to the polls Nov. 2. The abortion giant wants to know our plan for voting, and suggests we go with someone else, like girlfriends going to the ladies room on a double date.
Oh, and Planned Parenthood isn’t above using children to make sure we go out vote for the destruction of children.
On Oct. 28, Planned
Parenthood Action Fund (@ppact) tweeted, “Just 1 week until Election Day!
Make a plan with family or friends—who are you going to vote with?” using the hashtag,
“#iamwatching2014.” The poster attached to the tweet read, “We’re all about
planning. What’s your voting plan?” and pictured a child in a voting booth
between a woman and a man (presumably, mother and father).
Also appearing on Planned Parenthood Action’s Facebook page and blog, the picture directed viewers to Planned Parenthood’s voter guide. The guide recommends candidates based on their stances on women’s “health and rights” (ie abortion and birth control).
Politico reported earlier this year that the organization planned to invest over $18 million in the midterm campaign for “women’s health care and abortion rights.”
This “make[s] the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Planned
Parenthood Votes,” Politico reporter Alexander Burns said, “two of the heaviest
outside spenders on the Democratic side, and certainly among the top
independent expenditure campaigns focused on reaching women.”
Other Twitter efforts by Planned Parenthood include making U.S.A. soccer team goalie Tim Howard into a “Sperm Goalie” and picturing Lady Liberty holding the pill.
— Katie Yoder is Staff Writer, Joe and Betty Anderlik Fellow in Culture and Media at the Media Research Center. Follow Katie Yoder on Twitter.