Sign Up for the Media Research Center's Daily 'CyberAlert'

The MRC's 'CyberAlert' e-mail report will keep you up to date on how your friends, relatives and neighbors are being misled by the left-wingers who dominate the mainstream media.

Sign up for the Media Research Center's daily 'CyberAlert' e-mail and get a daily 'intel' report on the worst liberal media bias of the day.

We watch the news so you don't have to! But via the MRC's 'CyberAlert' e-mail report you can learn how your friends, relatives and neighbors are being misled by the left-wingers who dominate the MSM.

Every day you'll learn about the latest instances of "journalists" promoting liberal talking points and denigrating conservatives and their views, particularly the Tea Party movement.

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Recent CyberAlert topics:

- CBS Again Focuses on Victims in Arizona: 'Many Feel the Sting of Racism in New Law'

- Olbermann: Limbaugh 'Hate Radio' Has 'Blood on Your Hands' for Oklahoma City Bombing

- Nets Lead with 'Ugly' and 'Menacing' ObamaCare Opponents Fueled by Palin's 'Violent Words and Imagery'

- To 'Indefatigable' Pelosi, Sawyer Wonders What Her Dad and Mom 'Would Have Said About this Moment?'

- Former NYT Editor Howell Raines Drums Fox News Out of Journalism for Anti-Obama 'Propaganda '

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