Soros-Funded Lefty Groups Want Religion Out of Politics
It’s an old trick from the left’s playbook: Force an issue
on the public and then declare that the conservative reaction is divisive and
The uproar over the Susan G. Komen foundation’s decision to remove it’s funding from Planned Parenthood, followed quickly by President Obama’s contraception mandate, has reignited the culture wars in the midst of the 2012 presidential campaign. And the religious conservatives most impacted are now being told their faith has no place in national politics.
The sudden focus on faith has spurred14 left-leaning religious groups to call for a separation of religion and politics. Their draft of "An Interfaith Statement of Principles" brands candidates who appeal to voters based on faith as “inappropriate” and “divisive,” and calls for religious appeals to be removed from political campaigns entirely.
It comes as no surprise that half of these religious groups are funded by left-wing coalition financier George Soros, who, in just 10 years, has given more than $550 million to advance the liberal agenda.
The six Soros funded organizations who have endorsed the “Interfaith Statement of Principles” are: The Interfaith Alliance, the Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Advocates, the Sikh Coalition, the Union for Reform Judaism, and the United Church of Christ. Together they have received more than $600,000 in Soros grants.
The other endorsers of the “Interfaith Statement of Principles” are: American Islamic Congress, American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious, Interfaith Alliance, Islamic Society of North America, Hindu American Foundation, Muslim Advocates, National Council of Churches USA, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Sikh Coalition, Union for Reform Judaism, the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society, and the United Church of Christ Justice and Witness ministries.
The way these organizations are trying to de-legitimize any intersection of religious belief and politics is reminiscent of tactics used by the sophisticated network of Soros-funded left-wing journalism organizations called the Media Consortium. According to a report by the Consortium itself, it had “created an ''echo chamber'' of outlets ''in which a message pushes the larger public or the mainstream media to acknowledge, respond, and give airtime to progressive ideas because it is repeated many times.''