Times Apologizes for Calling Democratic Group a Democratic Group

The Times remains sensitive to liberal complaints of unfair labeling, yet tosses around the term "conservative" with abandon.

Times Watch has long documented the paper's cavalier approach toward tossing around the "conservative" label compared with its austereuse of the word "liberal." Now it turns outthe Times isquite sensitive to Democratic complaints of labeling bias, on the rare occasion it actually identifies an outside policy group as liberal or Democrat.

Monday's correction page included this apology for daring to call the Democrat policy shop Center for American Progress a "Democratic policy shop."

An article on Tuesday about Senator John McCain's proposals to combat global warming referred incorrectly to the Washington-based Center for American Progress, whose top official noted that Mr. McCain sometimes voted with Democrats on environmental bills. Although the Center for American Progress often supports policies espoused by the Democratic Party, it is not ''a Democratic policy shop" or officially affiliated with the party.