Times Embraces Harmful, Human-Based "Global Warming" as Settled Fact

Purportedly objective reporter Matthew Wald chides energy companies: "This is not a good way to get started in fighting global warming."

Transportation reporter Matthew Wald signed on the long roster of journalists who embrace anthropogenic (man-made) global warming theory as an undeniable reality at the start of his Sunday Week in Review story, "Running in Circles Over Carbon."

Cutting carbon dioxide emissions is a fine idea, and a lot of companies would be proud to do it. But they would prefer to be second, if not third or fourth.

This is not a good way to get started in fighting global warming.

As efforts to pass a global warming bill collapsed in the Senate last week, companies that burn coal to make electricity were looking for a way to build a plant that would capture its emissions. There is a will and a way - several ways, in fact - to do just that.

Capturing carbon from these plants may become a lot more important soon. Emissions from coal-fired power plants already account for about 27 percent of American greenhouse emissions, but as prices for other fuels rise, along with power demand, utilities will burn more coal. And if cars someday run on batteries, a trend that $4-a-gallon gasoline will accelerate, then the utilities will burn even more fuel to generate the electricity to recharge those batteries.