Times Uses Pro-Dem Euphemism for Taxes - 'Revenues' - While Wash. Post Plays It Straight
There's more vaguely worded tax aversion from the Times in Friday's lead story, on the Republicans walking out of debt ceiling talks, by congressional reporter Carl Hulse, '2 G.O.P. Leaders Quit Discussions On Debt Ceiling – Taxes At Issue In Talks – Cantor and Kyl Object as Democrats Push to Raise Revenues.'
By 'revenues,' the Times is using a euphemism for 'tax increases,' but the paper is loathe to say so directly in the headline or text, likely to avoid further burdening the Democrats with their well-earned reputation as tax-hikers, even though Hulse quotes Republicans hammering home the term. More honestly, the Washington Post says congressional Democrats are looking for "as much as $400 billion in new taxes on corporations and the nation's wealthiest households.'

Congressional Republicans on Thursday abandoned budget talks aimed at clearing the way for a federal debt limit increase, leaving the outcome in doubt as they vowed not to give in to a Democratic push for new tax revenues as part of any compromise.
The breakdown was set off by the surprise decision of Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House majority leader and one of two Republicans participating in sessions led by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., to quit the negotiations.
This week's talks were considered to be crucial as the Aug. 2 deadline for an increase in federal borrowing authority nears.
Mr. Cantor had previously expressed optimism that the sessions could produce a deal. But he announced he would not be attending Thursday's scheduled meeting because Democrats continued to press for part of the more than $2 trillion savings target to come from moves like phasing out tax breaks.
'As it stands, the Democrats continue to insist that any deal must include tax increases,' Mr. Cantor said in a statement. 'There is not support in the House for a tax increase, and I don't believe now is the time to raise taxes in light of our current economic situation. Regardless of the progress that has been made, the tax issue must be resolved before discussions can continue.'
Congressional Democrats expressed disappointment at Mr. Cantor's decision and maintained that revenues must be part of any agreement.
The article was dotted with references to 'revenue increases.'
Republicans knowledgeable about the events said Mr. Cantor decided to withdraw from the discussions because of the continuing emphasis by Democrats on potential new revenues. They said that he, Speaker John A. Boehner, Mr. McConnell and Mr. Kyl had previously discussed their discontent with the Democratic push for revenues and that some action was necessary to change the dynamic of the talks and show that Republicans were serious about not accepting what amounted to a tax increase.
By contrast, Lori Montgomery's lead story for Friday's Washington Post clearly stated specific Democratic demands for tax hikes in paragraph two: 'With the clock ticking toward an Aug. 2 deadline, senior Republicans said negotiations led by Vice President Biden had ceased making headway as congressional Democrats pressed for as much as $400 billion in new taxes on corporations and the nation's wealthiest households.'