Times Watch Quotes of Note: NYT Imagines Racial Stereotyping at Conservative Convention
Plus: Times gushes over pro-Obama "Coffee Party" after dismissing anti-tax Tea Party rallies as full of "anger" and "Astroturf."
Published: 3/10/2010 11:37 AM ET
Shocker: Times Imagines Racial Stereotyping at Conservative Convention
"How can conservatives win the youth vote that overwhelmingly went for Barack Obama in 2008? At the Conservative Political Action Conference, apparently, some are betting on using racial stereotypes....[Author] Jason Mattera...mocked what he described, with a Chris Rock voice, as "diversity," including, he said, college classes on 'cyber feminism' and 'what it means to be a feminist new black man.'....Offering up a slogan, he adopted the Chris Rock voice again: 'Get your government off my freedom!' Can we save our generation from Obama zombies, he asked. He answered himself by borrowing the president's campaign slogan: 'Yes, my brothahs and sistahs. Yes we can!'" - From a February 18 nytimes.com "Caucus" blog post by reporter Kate Zernike while covering the Conservative Political Action Conference, a post headlined "CPAC Speaker Bashes Obama, in Racial Tones." Jason Mattera is from Brooklyn and used his own voice, not a "Chris Rock voice," when making his anti-Obama gibes.

"Fed up with government gridlock, but put off by the flavor of the Tea Party, people in cities across the country are offering an alternative: the Coffee Party....'I'm in shock, just the level of energy here,' said the founder, Annabel Park, a documentary filmmaker who lives outside Washington. 'In the beginning, I was actively saying, "Get in touch with us, start a chapter." Now I can't keep up. We have 300 requests to start a chapter that I have not been able to respond to.'" - Times reporter Kate Zernike's March 2 story on the newly-launched "Coffee Party" movement, begun by Park, who worked for Obama's presidential campaign in 2008.
"Although organizers insisted they had created a nonpartisan grass-roots movement, others argued that these parties were more of the Astroturf variety - an occasion largely created by the clamor of cable news and fueled by the financial and political support of current and former Republican leaders." - Reporter Liz Robbins in the paper's first report on the Tea Party protests, April 16, 2009, nearly two months after the movement began.
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