Times Watch Quotes of Note - Times Takes 'Far Right' Angle on G.O.P. Senate Candidate from Nevada

Among her detractors and her supporters [Angle] is known as a far-right conservative and a thorn in the side of both parties, routinely voting no on almost everything that came before the Legislature. - Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer, June 10.Plus: The GOP is already doomed in November, and anti-Tea Party snobbery among the "conservative" intellectual elite.

The Times Takes "Far-Right" Angle on G.O.P. Senate Candidate From Nevada

"But on the other hand some of these women are, like in Nevada, against Harry Reid, Sharron Angle has, she's a Tea Party candidate who's given Democrats renewed hope of saving Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, from what was looking to be near certain defeat, because she is so extreme. So much so that some of the Republicans in the immediate aftermath have started distancing themselves from her....The Democrats generally at first blush on Wednesday morning when the results were in were happy that both Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, looks newly secure because the Nevada Republicans had nominated such an extreme, Tea Party-type member." - Reporter Jackie Calmes in a June 10 "Political Points" podcast.

"Among her detractors and her supporters she is known as a far-right conservative and a thorn in the side of both parties, routinely voting no on almost everything that came before the Legislature." - Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer, June 10.

G.O.P. Already Doomed

"Some critics are already asking Republican leaders how they managed to let a promising election season get so mightily out of control." - June 10 front-page teaser to a story by Matt Bai on Republican election prospects for November.

You can read more of the most biased quotes from the Times of late at Times Watch Quotes of Note.